View Full Version : mornings

06-06-07, 06:52
In mycase anxiety is always worst in the mornings, I can go to bed all care free and positive but wake up tense with anxiety even without any anx provoking things to tackle, Why is this? It certainly doesnt make a good start to the day.

love joy

06-06-07, 08:11

Most people find that the morning are the worse , most times it is because we have either slept tense and wake feeling all stiff and awkward other reasons include - having slept all night our sugar levels are low hence the need for breakfast,

try the following - when you wake up dont rush to get up - Lie there for a minimum of 5 minutes gently stretch your limbs and muscles, take some deep relaxing breaths, then slowly get up ( dont rush and trigger the dreaded adrenalin ) make sure you eat some toast and drink some fresh juice to help get those sugar levels on the normal level ..

Good luck


06-06-07, 08:14
I think it's very common for mornings to be the hardest part of the day and if you read any of the Claire Weeke's books she does talk a lot about 'that early morning feeling'.

I think for a lot us perhaps we worry about the day ahead when we first wake up and that might start the anxiety off.

06-06-07, 09:09
Hi Joy, I think it changes from time to time, this last week I have been fine at night like you said then wake feeling terrible, shaky. Breathless like I am going to have a heart attack, but still have to push and get up becouse thats the only way to eas it. Then by this afternoon I usualy feel better. At one time I used to feel at my worst at bedtime realy panky and scared then ok on waking, then real bad about an hour later. I find it changes from differnt times over the yars. anyway I feel for you as I know how hard it can be some mornings, Take care, Vernon

06-06-07, 09:46
I can't stand mornings so I try to sleep as long as possible.

If I do get up early, like today, I'm cranky and irritable and feel like my head's about to explode. Usually I stay up late til 1 or 2am and then try and get up again around 10am so that there's not much of the morning left. This morning I was up at 8-30 and was feeling hellish for an hour, then I had breakfast, read the papers and I'm starting to calm down again.


06-06-07, 11:08
I'm not a huge expert on why I and quite few others feel quite anxious when we wake up in the mornings, but some of the things people have mentioned already seem quite too, as it is why I sometimes wake up anxious in the mornings. Particualrly if I've been going to bed feeling anxious. I think one other reason could be because you've woken up from a bad dream in the morning, and it has made you think anxiously worrying about the dream making you panic.

The panicky feeling for me in the morning ususally starts to fade within and hour or two once the day starts moving, and feeling more awake.

Sometimes, I might just go to sleep calm and wake up calm in the mornings. Those are the mornings I really like the best.:)

06-06-07, 12:01
I wake up every morning feeling very tired and with stiff and aching hands. I generally feel good enough to get up around 10.30, and yes I do that slowly.

Earlier in the week the phone rang at 9.30 and I reluctantly got up to answer it and it threw me into panic for the rest of the day :mad:

I'm at my best about midnight!