View Full Version : Frightened and alone

05-09-17, 08:26
Hi everyone,
The last few weeks have been pretty tough. Me and my husband haven't been getting on at all. We always argue but it's been quite bad recently to the point where I have been thinking about leaving him, the trouble is I have no job nowhere to stay and no money and four young children. My husband drinks a lot so I'm always worried what mood he will be in. He blames me for everything. Every small thing he can shout at me he will( last night it was the pasta) I don't discuss anything with him anymore about anything including my anxiety because he blames our failing marriage on me and my anxiety and depression. Maybe that is the reason why we have so many problems. I don't like talking to my mum because she is going through some medical issues and I don't want to burden her.

Anyway I've been having heart issues for a few weeks. I had lots of ectopic bears that made me feel dizzy, I called the gp he said stress. I few days later I went back to the gp who did be and checked everything, she said the same and put me on propanalol. I took them fir a few days and soon felt better so I stopped them and was absolutely fine.
I woke early this morning, I went to the bathroom got back in bed I couldn't get straight back to sleep(thinking about me husband) then all of a sudden it felt like my heart stopped. I frantically checked my pulse( nothing) then BANG 💥 it felt like my heart had restart. I had feel quite light headed whilst this was going on. I also had an ache in my chest since then. I've got up since then to make babies bottle. I still have an ache which is scaring me.
Please help any advice is very welcome. Should I call the gp again?

05-09-17, 08:51
Hi everyone,
The last few weeks have been pretty tough. Me and my husband haven't been getting on at all. We always argue but it's been quite bad recently to the point where I have been thinking about leaving him, the trouble is I have no job nowhere to stay and no money and four young children. My husband drinks a lot so I'm always worried what mood he will be in. He blames me for everything. Every small thing he can shout at me he will( last night it was the pasta) I don't discuss anything with him anymore about anything including my anxiety because he blames our failing marriage on me and my anxiety and depression. Maybe that is the reason why we have so many problems. I don't like talking to my mum because she is going through some medical issues and I don't want to burden her.

Anyway I've been having heart issues for a few weeks. I had lots of ectopic bears that made me feel dizzy, I called the gp he said stress. I few days later I went back to the gp who did be and checked everything, she said the same and put me on propanalol. I took them fir a few days and soon felt better so I stopped them and was absolutely fine.
I woke early this morning, I went to the bathroom got back in bed I couldn't get straight back to sleep(thinking about me husband) then all of a sudden it felt like my heart stopped. I frantically checked my pulse( nothing) then BANG 💥 it felt like my heart had restart. I had feel quite light headed whilst this was going on. I also had an ache in my chest since then. I've got up since then to make babies bottle. I still have an ache which is scaring me.
Please help any advice is very welcome. Should I call the gp again?

Hey, a lot of people with anxiety get odd beats etc. I've had them. I was convinced my heart was going to stop or that I had some rare heart defect. If your gp said your fine and has run all the tests then believe him. I've had the one where it stops itsnjust where your heart has and extra/early beat. It's goes bump bump bump..stop.. BANG! Doesn't it? Lots of people have it. My therapist told me she had them and thateased my mind. Your hearts out itself back into its normal rhythm. The more you think about them the more hey happen and it's will ache as you'll be tense. Relax your shoulders. I get bad chest pain and it's ALWAYS my muscle because I'm tense or trapped wind becise I'm sucking air in panicking. You're going to be fine. You've had the ok from the docs. Let your body relax and just be. As far as your personal issues are concerned with your hubby. Do what you think it's right for you. Start over if you must. Don't waste your time on somebody you don't want to spend your life with. What would your 90 year old self say to you? Do what's best for you.

cathy s
05-09-17, 10:09
Just to remind you about the chat room - always a great source of support.