View Full Version : Argh bubbles in iv line

05-09-17, 10:34
Reallllly need reassurance
I had an op yesterday and was on a drip handled it really well considering I'm insane however got home going threw phone I must of accidiently taken a pic in it you can see my iv line it had loads bubbles in it I'm now feeakkkking what if I got air embolism I had major headache after op and low bp it's been 24 hrs so you think I'd know about it by now I rang for advice but they didn't seem to catch on to what I was taking about

05-09-17, 12:17
I had a headache after being put out for surgery. The nurses said it happens. As for the air in the IV they said it has to be straight up a whole needle syringe filled with air to kill you. They explained to me about how those little air bubbles get dealt with. I forgot to be honest but I do know that their explanation calmed me down and I have gotten over that fear with IVs. Just ask a nurse/doctor if it really is bugging you. I hope all gets better for you and you have a speedy recovery.

05-09-17, 12:45
A few little air bubbles in the line mean absolutely nothing! I assure you!

Positive thoughts

05-09-17, 20:07
thank you both :)
anxiety ended up being moved on been getting flashhes in corner of eye went optician who sent me eye casualty they were concerned it was retinal tear but said all looked ok yet im still worrying and sitll getting the flashes