View Full Version : Irrational thoughts

06-06-07, 07:18

Why do I have irrational thoughts, that I know are a complete load of utter rubbish, but I can't stop thinking about them. It is so frustrating - my current irrational thought is that I don't love my husband, very bizarre, considering that 3 days ago I did. It sounds really stupid and its really difficult to explain to people who don't understand! I just don't undersatand why I get fixated on things - anyone got any ideas??!!

06-06-07, 08:07

These thought are very common I had them all the time, If it helps try doing this
When the thought comes say to yourself STOP - then changed the negative aspect of the thought to a posative one so for example

Intrusive thought - I dont STOP - deep breath in and out- I DO love my husband and repeat this to yourself 3 times slowly and clearly, by doing this each time eventually the posative one will overtake the negative, you will be re-programming your thoughts ... These thoughts stay with us because they upset us and we develop habbits.. But the good news is Habbit are there to be broken

Good Luck

06-06-07, 13:10
I have irrational thoughts too, and irrational emotions. For example, the other day I downloaded some music and one particular song started to freak me out for no reason, eventually I couldn't get it out of my head and it was really giving me the fear even although I knew there was no reason why this should be. I usually cope by drowning out the thoughts or emotions with other thoughts or emotions - primarily loud music, but if I'm well enough I might do something more mentally demanding like reading something really compelling or making something crafty.

I have tried the whole thought re-programming thing but for some reason it makes me worse because I find it draws attention to the thought; it's easier for me to drown it out with something totally unconnected than to try and turn it around. It works well for many people though, it's worth a try.

07-06-07, 20:08
at the moment I am having irrational thoughts about some friends of mine.. one in particular. They will pass if i challenge them and the same with you aswell :)

I have had the same thoughts about members of my family aswell

dont worry they will pass :)

matt x

pm me if u want and i might be able to help :)

07-06-07, 20:36
I have had (and still do to a lesser extent) very irrational thoughts. I however got so freaked by them I now take an anti psychotic medication which has slowed them down enormously.


08-06-07, 15:46
I would personally only take anti - psychotic drugs as a LAST resort. I take beta blockers to calm my nerves but the only real wat im my opinion is to tackle the negative and irrational thoughts which cause this anxiety.

08-06-07, 15:56
I got the irrational thoughts this week. Why do they always seem so evil?
I have no answer how to get rid of them but I know how you feel. xxx

08-06-07, 16:00
I saw my psychologist yesterday (7th June) I told him that I have been having thoughts about a few friends of mine such as "I dont want them as a friend why cant they be normal" "I do not want to see them again" etc and he said that they are natural thoughts everybody has them sometimes.

I think we can sometimes think a throwaway thought and put way too much emphasis on it and make it so much more than it is.

11-06-07, 14:23
Thanks everyone for comments and suggestions.

I'm just so scared about these irrational, negative thoughts - I'm frightened that they must be true or I wouldn't be thinking them.

11-06-07, 16:03
I do this all the time with people I am close with. One minute I think I'm so lucky to have them in my life and the next minute I can be thinking that I could easily do without them.

It's so hard to get past the negative part that I find myself sometimes actually distancing myself from my closest friends and family. It's hard to snap yourself out of it but i've found that if I just give myself a few days then I'll probably have changed my mind again. I normally end up feeling awful about it but I just put it down to the fact I like my own space every now and again and I hate people demanding my time and attention when I'm going through a particular time when I want to be left alone.

I've found it easier just to put on a smile, ask them lots of questions about themselves, look interested and put the TV for something else to distract me and to talk about. After a few days (depending on my mood) the thoughts go and I realise again how lucky I am.

I hate feeling like this though. :weep:

13-06-07, 14:51
I spoke to my therapist about this in the week and how I must be an evil person because of my thoughts. She told me some of it is because I have realised in life there is evil, there are traumas, horrific accidents etc and they happen to us and those we love. This brings thoughts to my head that are scary but it does not mean I will do horrible things.

I made her keep repeating the fact it does not make me evil most of the session as I was so relieved.

16-06-07, 11:21
Woofybaby, i am going through this right now, been about a month already but i know it isn't true- why would i go from one day feeling happy and in love to nothing the next?? I feel like i am looking at my partner/family/friends through a pane of glass and i get small bursts of 'normalness' then feel numb.I am really trying the positive thinking but it is so hard, everyone is really irritating me too but i guess like lucy said you want to be on your own in these times. I have had this before when i have had a bout and it goes and i am all back to my usual snuggly self then bang it hits almost like i'm another person. My last irrational thought was what if i would physically hurt someone (complete rubbish of course) i was terrified but this soon went as well. What am i going to think of next - i am a man trapped in a womans body or something just as silly! Think the fact that it feels so real is the scary thing.
It sounds so awful too that who on earth are you going to tell about this without them putting you in a straight jacket!!