View Full Version : Funny feeling in legs

05-09-17, 14:24
Hi, this may sound like a silly question, but sometimes like last night I wake up during the night with a weird feeling in my legs, there's no pain, it's a bit like restless leg syndrome, but feels different almost like it feels like your away to have a seizure type thing, not that I'd know what that feels like, I just know it doesn't feel right, at the same time it's feels like I'm disconnected from reality like in a dream like feeling, the more I wake up it goes away, sometimes that can't take an hour, does anyone else get that and what is it?

05-09-17, 16:10
It's just sounds like one of those things, seems pretty normal. As you mentioned you feel disconnected from reality I think it sounds a bit like slight sleep paralysis, like your coming out a dream and your legs still feel a little strange as the feeling comes back. Lots of weird things can happen while you're asleep, I woke up once and got up to go to the toilet and my legs didn't work at all, stood up and fell on the floor and couldn't get up for a few seconds. I have had weird feelings in my legs after waking up before but it's more like tingling.

05-09-17, 16:30
I've only had this feeling in the last few weeks, it's not been every time I wake up, prob about 7 or 8 times, like last night I was able to get up go downstairs to the toilet and go back to bed and I still had the feeling, but your right i did have that feeling off not being fully awake, but it took about an hour to go away, have you had it take that long?, I've never experienced what you have with the falling over x

05-09-17, 17:26
Hi, do you have Restless Leg Syndrome? It's just that you mention that what you're experiencing feels a bit like it so I wondered. Asking as I have RLS and as well as the horrible sensation of needing to move my legs (though it's not just that - I find it difficult to properly describe RLS), I also get weird twitches/jerks in the night only when I'm half asleep/awake, which is just another part of it. It's difficult to describe the various sensations, but hope that makes sense! It drives me nuts and yet to find anything that helps at all, apart from avoiding caffeine (or meaning to at least).

05-09-17, 17:40
Hi Anna, yes I have restless leg syndrome, it started when I was pregnant with my son 9 years ago and it never went away, I do get that feeling off needing too move them, which only helps for a few mins then it's back again, some days aren't as bad as others it's that, it's just that new sensation that's bothering me, and it's true it's very hard describing things lol x