View Full Version : Lots of twitches 😪

05-09-17, 16:56
Hi there

I'm getting a lot of twitches lately over the last 2/3 weeks

Last week they where really strong on the side of my stomach, it's was horrible 3 nights this did it, felt almost like a baby kicking!

Now I'm getting them the side of my face on one side and in my calf

How can I get rid of these!



05-09-17, 17:27
Twitches are common. I've heard so many things that help twitches. Gluten free diets, all organic foods, no red meats, no nicotine , no caffiene, calcium, vitamin D , magnesium, hot baths , stretching . Only thing that really works for me is ignoring them and accepting them as harmless. I got alot of this from aboutbfs.com you should check it out if you haven't

05-09-17, 17:57
Thanks I'll check it out x

05-09-17, 18:18
Believe me i know what you mean, ive had twitches like crazy all over the place but mostly in my arms legs and neck but i do get them in the belly ribs and other places too. i hear its caused by stress and its not likely to be a sign of anything serious. although there are conditions that cause this but they are rare.

05-09-17, 18:26
Thank you it all just adds to the anxiety im trying really hard to relax but struggling x

05-09-17, 21:51
I too am getting the twitching recently, merely on the head the temples. Not long ago I read somewhere that there a many benign reasons that can cause body twitches. Ranging from overused muscles to a hypersensitive mind.

I suppose you could get it checked out, you could also try and seek some help for your anxiety if you haven't already. It won't hurt.