View Full Version : I've got a hickey and I'm afraid it's going to kill me.

05-09-17, 18:47
Hey guys, hope you're well.

Yes it's as insane as the title suggests.

Sunday night I went out, and drank way too much. Really regret it. I ended up hooking up with this girl and she tore into my neck, and now i have a bruise on the side of my neck that almost takes up the whole thing.

It's the worst hickey i've ever had, and I survived being a teenager. lol. It's actually my 27th birthday today.

I read a story where this kid died from a hickey that caused a blot clot. Now i'm worried. I don't think I would be as worried if it weren't for this hickey being hideous.

It is INSANELY big. I don't want to go to ER on my birthday, also i'm afraid of them laughing at me, but it's bad. I'm also suppose to go to dinner with my mom tonight, and on top of all this. I still feel kind of hungover. Thinking about giving up drinking for awhile. Can't do that to myself. Always makes me feel worse.

What do you guys think? I added a picture because you need to see this thing to truly understand why I'm worrying.


Clydesdale Epona
05-09-17, 23:26
Its rare and I mean very rare for hickeys to cause any kind of damage especially blood clots and I have defo seen worse ones before, I know my reassurance might not help that much but I can assure you that you will be :)

Best wishes :hugs:

Catherine S
05-09-17, 23:40
I hate the word hickey sorry, I prefer the English term for these...love bites, although it's debatable about the 'love' part lol! But compared to some of the love bites from my teenage years, yours doesn't come close in terms of size :lac:

I've never heard of anybody suffering a blood clot because of them, this phenomenon must be very rare, so I don't think you've got anything to worry about....except that its a shame you can't cover it up like the girlies can.

Cath S ☺

06-09-17, 00:08
You're not going to die from a hickey.

06-09-17, 01:02
Your not gonna die but i always thought only teenagers did love bites but each his own. I assure you will live to get another one

06-09-17, 01:12
I don't see fang marks so she wasn't a vampire (maybe a vampire wanna be though!) so I think you'll survive and heck, you got a birthday hookup!

Positive thoughts

06-09-17, 05:29
Your not gonna die but i always thought only teenagers did love bites but each his own. I assure you will live to get another one

Yeah, it's weird in adults! I just hope for the OP's sake she only does it on the neck! :winks: Maybe it's a case of an adult watching the Twilight films and trying to be all "down with the kids" :biggrin:

Happy birthday, Modestaustin811 :birthday::birthday1: The hangover will pass, hopefully it's not spiking your anxiety. Give the placing of it you could get away wearing a shirt to cover it up.

06-09-17, 08:10
I don't see fang marks so she wasn't a vampire (maybe a vampire wanna be though!) so I think you'll survive and heck, you got a birthday hookup!

Positive thoughts

I thought the same thing. :D