View Full Version : Anyone lose the weight they gained on this drug when withdrawing

05-09-17, 19:00
Well, the time has come; I'm withdrawing from this medication after gaining 15 pounds in a short amount of time. It helped my anxiety and was a savior when I was the lowest in my life but I can't imagine continuing this as I am just a 20 year old female who has been pretty thin all her life then take such a drastic turn rapidly; it's really affecting my self-esteem. I tried to give it a chance, I worked out and ate clean while on it but the pounds are not coming off. I have talked to me doctor about it and they're helping me wean off.

My question, do the pounds ever come off or is your metabolism going to stay being screwed up? I am just a week off of it so I'm not expecting a miracle but if I continue to eat well and workout over time do people usually see some results and go back to their weight from before? I'm interested to know about any experiences you've been through or from someone you know.

Edit: hmm.. should I have posted this in the success stories thread? :shrug:

05-09-17, 21:21
The weight comes off after you stop. SSRIs do crazy things to my weight and I always return to normal (with a diet) after stopping them.