View Full Version : Hit head pretty hard

05-09-17, 19:24
Last night I was getting up from my desk, and I have a lofted bed. So as I was getting up, I misjudged how close the bed frame was to my desk. And I got up and bang, I hit the top of my head really hard on the frame of the bed.

Now of course I'm terrified I'll have brain bleeding because of it. It of course hurt after it happened, but I didn't go dizzy or anything - I was afraid to go to sleep though.

And today, the top of my head is of course sore, and I'm thinking it's because something is wrong with my brain because of it. It's not so much a headache, more so pain that's virtually only on the top of my head. But, it is noticeable, and I'm worried.

Clydesdale Epona
05-09-17, 23:23
Any form of brain issue or damage generally comes with dizziness, nausea, blacking out, vomiting, etc.
you have to hit your head pretty hard and I mean hard for any kind of bad damage and if you haven't noticed other symptoms then you should be fine :)

Best wishes :hugs:

06-09-17, 00:15
Hitting my head really hard is what helped spiral my anxiety back early this year. I had fallen off of a chair and whacked the back of head really REALLY hard. I had read about Natasha Richardson and her skiing accident and how when she hit her head (seemingly not that hard) and that freaked me out. I was extremely paranoid for days. However, with that said, it is very difficult to damage your brain from a hit unless you are 1) older or 2) getting hit like...unbelievably hard- think getting a baseball bat to the skull or getting hit by a car. Simple bumps and knocks; the skull can pretty much withstand. The skull is very tough and is made to protect you from these things.

As the poster above said, the things to look out for are mainly nausea and extreme headaches. If you don't show those symptoms in the next 48 hours you're fine.