View Full Version : Anxiety and brain tumor fears.

05-09-17, 23:16
So I'm 22 and I've been dealing with anxity for seven weeks now. As of a week ago, I've been having headaches and pain in my right arm and above my right eye. I've also been having tingling in the right arm, leg, and my left side around the armpit, as well as chills. I've been so worried I have a brain tumor because it lasted a little over a week. Then I get to thinking, oh it has to be it because my anxiety came out of nowhere (despite drinking about 5 energy drinks a day for at least 2 years). I also had to quit one anxiety med I've been for three weeks and switch to another, after quitting the first one cold turkey on doctors orders. My issue is that whenever I go into the clinic or ER for issues and raise the brain tumor thing, they think its just anxiety. I want the scan to put my mind at ease, but it doesn't look like anything will happen. It feels like I'm loosing it.

06-09-17, 01:39
You want a SCAN tell them you can't feel your left side and your face feels numb. They will give you a SCAN. Not saying fibbing is the right thing but he'll it's better than living in fear.

06-09-17, 02:23
You want a SCAN tell them you can't feel your left side and your face feels numb. They will give you a SCAN. Not saying fibbing is the right thing but he'll it's better than living in fear.

With respect, I'm sorry, you do NOT LIE to make medical professionals test you for reassurance purposes. There are people with real physical illnesses and emergencies and taking those resources for no other reason to get reassurance (that doesn't last anyway) is just wrong!

We're talking about a 22 year old that has anxiety, has had major changes to his meds and has been examined by medical professionals several times. Frankly, a week's worth of headaches and the tingles does not warrant a $1500+ scan!

The RIGHT thing to do is treat the anxiety so that one doesn't reach the point of lying to doctors to get tests and reassurance. That's much better than living in fear!

Positive thoughts

06-09-17, 02:36
With respect, I'm sorry, you do NOT LIE to make medical professionals test you for reassurance purposes. There are people with real physical illnesses and emergencies and taking those resources for no other reason to get reassurance (that doesn't last anyway) is just wrong!

We're talking about a 22 year old that has anxiety, has had major changes to his meds and has been examined by medical professionals several times. Frankly, a week's worth of headaches and the tingles does not warrant a $1500+ scan!

The RIGHT thing to do is treat the anxiety so that one doesn't reach the point of lying to doctors to get tests and reassurance. That's much better than living in fear!

Positive thoughts

I have been trying various treatments, but the headache remains. I know anxiety can cause things like this, but unfortunately I can't put my mind at ease about it. I tried counselling for two weeks, but haven't been able to see them for a while. I just want to know I'm okay, but unfortunately, I'm unsure of how to do that. I do know that lying probably won't help though.

06-09-17, 14:41
I'm starting to feel people get really ticked off on this website. I feel now I have to watch everything I say ad not to offend someone, even with my own fears. I do agree it's best not to lie to the docs but I felt bad for him. I don't need to be made out to be a bad person. Thank you. I do respect what you say though.