View Full Version : Blood Clot worry

06-09-17, 02:13
So I'm having my quarterly blood clot worry. It's seems I have this a few times a year. The symptoms that have brought the worry this time are a pain above my left ankle. About two inches about it. It doesn't exactly hurt until I push my foot down. My leg isn't swollen and I can't recall in the past week sitting for a period of longer than two hours of that. Also during the time I sit I usually flex my quads and calves just because I worry about that. Anyone able to share some insight.

06-09-17, 02:32
So I'm having my quarterly blood clot worry.

Since you get this often and by the tone of your post you know exactly what it is, there's nothing really to say. It'll pass ;)

That being said, I found the phrase "quarterly bloodclot worry" interesting as it reminded me of paying taxes (I used to pay taxes quarterly so I wouldn't take a big hit). The difference is one you pay monetarily and the other mentally. Seems to me the taxes are higher on the mental side.

Positive thoughts

06-09-17, 12:26
If you're a reasonably healthy, non-smoker who doesn't spend extended hours sitting and has no family history of it you're more at risk for some slight tendonitis than a blood clot. :) I get the odd dvt fear, and always remind myself that the ONE person I know who had one is a heavy smoker, diabetic, overwieght, with a seriously sedentary lifestyle. Funny how these fears pop up at intervals even when we rationalized them away the last time. Though you seem to have the attitude of "here we go again" which is good - means you get that the fear is irrational, it's just sticky.

09-09-17, 13:18
I put in the "quarterly" " part because it seems this worry, amongst others though as I don't discriminate, keep coming back. The only reason I have the worry this time is because I've been helping a friend on his landscaping job and we've been mowing subdivisions. So I'll spend the whole day on a mower basically. Though when riding I usually move my legs and flex the muscles because of my irrational fear and usually am not on a mower for any more than two hours without getting off and standing up to stretch. Again due to my irrational fear. I don't know the length of time at which being seated resonates with DVT, but two hours doesn't seem long enough as I feel there are lots of people everyday who are seated for two hours or more. As for health I haven't smoked in 8 years probably. Even then I was lates teens and eaenjoying a social cigarette at a party. Not overweight and have a HR of 50-60 with a no usually in the 110-125/70-80 range. So fairly healthy I would assume. Also not to sedentary as it's time seated on a mower at work that's my worry. Even when at home and am engrossed in a series I get up and move every not more than 1 1/2 hours seated usually.