View Full Version : Mucus in stool and slight diarrhea

06-09-17, 06:40
Hey everyone.

I know that mucus in the stool is common but usually I only see a bit of mucus every now and then. I ate a whole bunch today,like I ate from two fast food places and then I had some potatoes when I came home about maybe 4 hours later (I had a lot of chicken today too-some in a sandwich that was grilled from subway and fried chicken tenders from another place.) Then about like 20 minutes ago I went to the bathroom and some of my stool was like little lumps-not like rabbit pellets just like lumps. then the end of it was smooshy-not completely liquid (gross i know!). So anyways,I went to wipe and there was a (TMI) long string of mucus coming out of ...well....you know... :ohmy: It wasn't bloody or anything it just looked like mucus,like whitish and yellowish maybe- can't really remember.I panicked and looked it up as per usual but I know that IBS can cause mucus in stool but heres the problem-I don't really know if I have IBS.

I mean-I do get constipated A LOT,like to the point where it makes my stomach hurt. I will be constipated usually around 2 weeks before my period and then it goes away. I don't really get ''smooshy'' stools that much..

Idk,maybe the diarrhea (it was loose so i'll call it diarrhea) was caused by overeating? Maybe eating too much fats?

Unrelated maybe but for the past couple of days I've also kind of had a bit of acid reflux.

EDIT-Also,I've been eating a lot more lately I think. Also today is the first time I've had a bowel movement since maybe 2 days? Can't remember but still.

06-09-17, 06:43
I've had roids for many years and sometimes would see some mucus with it. But loose stools also can cause it in me, mostly when you are doing very little after a few goes and that's when it's on the paper a lot.

Mucus is up there anyway, but things like looseness or IBS can just push the stuff out.