View Full Version : I had cancer twice, lost half my face, had social anxiety, moved to Barcelona.

06-09-17, 10:30



I spent 5 years fighting two different cancers, lost my jaw twice.. was deeply depressed.. and had severe social anxiety due to the way I looked.. everywhere I go people stare and point at me so I had a hard time going outside. I decided to start over and move to Barcelona and document my journey on a youtube channel

this is all me in these video's, any questions or whatever more than welcome

I was hoping my journey could help some of you guys with your anxiety issues and lack of self-love.. I'm here for y'all if you need my input on anything or whatever. I've been to hell and back and know what it feels like to be considered a monster in society's eyes. I'm hoping I can inspire or motivate someone with this.

Thank you.

Catherine S
06-09-17, 12:09
Very inspirational Benzo, and puts alot of life into perspective. A good many people here fear cancer, it's their greatest fear and thnk that evety skin blemish or twinge is the sign of it, so their fear takes over their lives completely. We also have have members who are cancer survivors and share their experience of it and recovery, ultimately showing that cancer can be overcome.

Thank you for sharing your experience too.

Be well
Cath S ☺

06-09-17, 19:31
Very inspirational Benzo, and puts alot of life into perspective. A good many people here fear cancer, it's their greatest fear and thnk that evety skin blemish or twinge is the sign of it, so their fear takes over their lives completely. We also have have members who are cancer survivors and share their experience of it and recovery, ultimately showing that cancer can be overcome.

Thank you for sharing your experience too.

Be well
Cath S ☺

thank you so much Catch, really appreciate those kind words

06-09-17, 20:22
very inspirational words and videos, and good on you for reaching out to help others x

06-09-17, 21:27
Stage IV Head and Neck Cancer Survivor her. Congrats on beating the beast!
I do get it... I suffered with some "scanxiety" and depression after my battle. Your attitude despite setbacks is more than admirable. Thank you for posting such an uplifting and positive post.

As a side note?... I just had my next to last followup appointments. NED! I get discharged from care and deemed "cured" early next year! :)

Positive thoughts

07-09-17, 08:17
That's wonderful news, FMP!!

You both are an inspiration to us all on here. I can't begin to imagine what you have both been through but getting the all- clear and moving on with your lives so successfully is just a huge achievement. Helping others on here is so very much appreciated.