View Full Version : Ovaries removed

06-09-17, 15:31
Hi I'm new on here and need some advise. I have just had my ovaries and tubes removed yesterday due to one of my ovaries having 2 cysts and was experiencing extremely painful heavy bleeding that has affected my day to day life. My mum was diagnosed with stage 3 Ovarian Cancer and passed away 5 years ok fro. This leaving her with brain tumours so my GP advised I have them removed . my CA125 levels were raised in their 50's so was part of the reason to go ahead. I was fast tracked last December but on having my Pre-Op assessment I was too I'll to have it due to BP being so high I was at risk of a stroke , thats been managed so I had the op yesterday.. I came home last night anf feeling ok I. Myself despite the pain and soreness which is to be expected but was wondering how soon will I start feeling the signs of menopause? I'm 48 in a couple of weeks and have been having some hit flushes and other symptoms but was told it would come on pretty much straight after operation.. I also am ci fused with a comment a DR said pre going down for my op, he said despite them being removed and going through the change I would still have periods which doesn't make sense and from Mums history and some other woman I know that wasn't & couldn't be the case. The surgeon I first saw back in December said I wouldn't have periods either ... It was a male DR And to be honest I wanted the op to happen yesterday as I turned up last week to be told it had been Cancelled so I just nodded at him . my ovaries and a biopsy of my womb are being checked in Lab but they felt at the time in December the cysts didn't look to be the start of cancer so my fingers are crossed. Is their anyone that could help me with my questions and got advise as I left last night with nurse sayinv you might get hot flushes now lol ! Thank you xx

06-09-17, 15:37
Hiya Michelle69 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: