View Full Version : Feeling low / down

06-06-07, 12:01
Have been for a few days now - and last night I got very anxious as I hadn’t heard from my boyfriend since 4pm - 7am this morning, he had fallen asleep with out texting me and I had the obvious irrational thoughts going through my head. I cried myself to sleep and woke numerous times throughout the night, weve only been together 4 months and I love him so much I don’t want to risk loosing him because of my own insecurities Any advice how to overcome this?

06-06-07, 17:30
Hi Frankie

I know exactly how you feel hun. It's horrible isn't to get like this.

I can understand that you don't want to lose your boyfriend but could you talk to him about how you are feeling? Does he know that you have anxiety issues generally? Perhaps if you could talk to him he might not be forgetful in future.

Remember that he must have been really tired to fall asleep and this is no reflection on his feelings for you as maybe he has been having a busy time at the moment.

If you get these thoughts again try and concentrate on all of the positives in your relationship and why not give your boyfriend a call? I'm sure if he's a nice guy, he wouldn't want you to be upset!

Hope this helps a bit.


07-06-07, 12:23
Oh, i could write a book on this subject!
My husband at the beginning of our relationship lived 200 miles away, he was at uni up north and i live in Essex. We'd only see each other once or twice a month (at the beginning).
What made my insecurities worse is that he was living in halls amongst 18 - 21 year old girls....i was at the time 28.
The first year was pretty terrible, i would be constantly waiting on him to call me because i didn't want to seem too desperate. I could wait for hours and hours, and like you, go to bed sometimes without hearing anything.
I do realise now that my irrational behaviour at times IRRATIONAL.
All i can suggest to do is TRY and take a step back, i know it will be hard, but what i use to do, was make myself unavailable. So if he tried calling i would either not answer, or my mobile wouldn't be on. That way it'd make me feel better to know he was "trying" to get me.


07-06-07, 16:20
thats good advice you to it happened last night when i text him good night and didnt hear anything til this morning so i left it 5 or 6 hours before replying which was hard but at least i managed it, im going to start leaving my phone at home if i nip out because it seems that ive become dependant on it and im constantly checking it.

I left it at home today and went shopping and to the gym because it wwasnt in my bag i didnt miss it

:-) fingers crossed i can work on this

07-06-07, 17:17
Hi Frankie....good idea. Keep busy cos then you won't have time to keep checking and if you're doing something you really like doing then you'll forget all about it. xxx

07-06-07, 21:50
still annoying trying to keep yourself busy though x