View Full Version : Freaking out about this Dot

06-09-17, 21:23
What would cause just one single light bluish/purple dot. It's about the size of a normal sized freckle

06-09-17, 21:33
A bruise

06-09-17, 22:52
Where is it? I'm pretty sure they're to do with capillaries.. I have them on my legs :) Is it flat or raised?

06-09-17, 23:16
It is not raised, looks under skin and is on my right bicep

06-09-17, 23:35
Have you pinched the skin there at all? If it's the same as what I have on my legs then it looks like it's within the skin, like a tiny ink blot? I think mine are some form of angioma which are quite normal... you could Google pictures if it won't make you worry about it more :)

06-09-17, 23:44
i have a blue dot on my thigh and i noticed about a year ago, but i probably always had it and i was really worried, but now it's been there a year and nothing has happened i think it's just a normal mark. yours is probably the same :)

06-09-17, 23:51
Thanks for the replies, I've just had really bad anxiety about leukemia recently for some reason and I saw petechiae was a symptom but I don't think it would be just one single purple dot would it? Or is this also a symptom?

06-09-17, 23:56
What would cause just one single light bluish/purple dot. It's about the size of a normal sized freckle

Were you using a sharpie or magic marker? ;) I don't know what would cause it but something the size of a freckle wouldn't concern me in the least (well... if it were fluorescent orange I might get it checked out ;) )

Positive thoughts

07-09-17, 01:13
Thank you