View Full Version : Wheeze on inhale please help me

06-09-17, 23:11
What could a wheeze on inhale mean? I have no cold symptoms, 37 years old non smoker. Terrified because I have had this feeling in my chest when I take a deep breath, like a crackle feeling. Mostly when I lay down flat. When I sit up it clears. Am I dying?

Catherine S
06-09-17, 23:18
With respect, how can we possibly know what is causing the wheezing? Only a doctor can advise you about it, whereas we would only be guessing. Can you not get yourself checked by your doctor?

Take care
Cath S.

06-09-17, 23:21
One of the most common causes of a wheezing when you inhale/exhale is post nasal drip. Have you got any allergies?

06-09-17, 23:22
I was going to ask the same think, do you have any allergies to anything?, I get post nasal drip and I get that wheezy feeling

06-09-17, 23:23
With respect, how can we possibly know what is causing the wheezing? Only a doctor can advise you about it, whereas we would only be guessing. Can you not get yourself checked by your doctor?

Take care
Cath S.

I am sorry I posted then. I see a lot of people posting about their hearts and dizzy spells and what not. I thought that's what this place was for. I think we all know to call a doctor but some of us even suffer from anxiety that involves getting to the doctor and some of us don't even like to leave our homes. Sorry to bother you.

---------- Post added at 22:23 ---------- Previous post was at 22:22 ----------

I was going to ask the same think, do you have any allergies to anything?, I get post nasal drip and I get that wheezy feeling

Sometimes I do have it where I will wake up and my nose is clogged. T that's it as far as cold symptoms..I also have pretty bad reflux.

Catherine S
06-09-17, 23:28
One of the most common causes of a wheezing when you inhale/exhale is post nasal drip. Have you got any allergies?

Yes, it could be an allergy...and now we'll get a whole list of things being posted about what it 'could' be which was kind of my point, that people will only be guessing, and in the end only a doctor can diagnose.

06-09-17, 23:31
Yes, it could be an allergy...and now we'll get a whole list of things being posted about what it 'could' be which was kind of my point, that people will only be guessing, and in the end only a doctor can diagnose.

That's kind of the point of this site to get support about health anxiety. If you don't want to answer my post please skip on by.

Catherine S
06-09-17, 23:32
And you're not bothering anybody, least of all me...i'm trying to be realistic. Don't you agree that everybody posting will only be guessing at what it could be? Don't you want to know for sure? People with heart palps etc, are also advised to see their doctor to find out what's going on. Why does that advice upset you so much?

06-09-17, 23:39
And you're not bothering anybody, least of all me...i'm trying to be realistic. Don't you agree that everybody posting will only be guessing at what it could be? Don't you want to know for sure? People with heart palps etc, are also advised to see their doctor to find out what's going on. Why does that advice upset you so much?

Because I think most of us know that we should go see a doctor, I come here to see if anyone else has ever had something like this and are still living. Please leave me alone now as you are making my anxiety worse.

Catherine S
06-09-17, 23:46
Oh, ok. ..i'm sorry if I've upset you, it wasn't my intention :shrug:

Take care
Cath S x

06-09-17, 23:50
Because I think most of us know that we should go see a doctor, I come here to see if anyone else has ever had something like this and are still living. Please leave me alone now as you are making my anxiety worse.

What you are asking for is reassurance. This almost never works. It wears off pretty fast.

If someone else were to tell you that they get this too, would you use it to help with your anxiety or would it only last for a few minutes or hours?

06-09-17, 23:57
What you are asking for is reassurance. This almost never works. It wears off pretty fast.

If someone else were to tell you that they get this too, would you use it to help with your anxiety or would it only last for a few minutes or hours?

I rush myself to the hospital constantly and it's never anything.im tired of crying Wolfe, I came here to see if anyone else has had something like this. I won't ever be posting again.

Clydesdale Epona
07-09-17, 00:04
If you have acid reflux and your nose gets clogged it could be post nasal drip or maybe even some form of illness/cold
I don't feel its particularly bad/dangerous but always best to get it checked out :) x

Best wishes :hugs:

Catherine S
07-09-17, 00:06
You didn't open the thread by telling us you're always rushing off to the hospital and crying wolf, or that you have bad health anxiety, your thread title and your opening post was just about the wheezing, which is a physical thing not a mental thing. That's why I suggested seeing a doctor.

It's not really fair of you to be having a go at us if you don't give us more information. You need to calm down and not be so defensive. Nobody is having a go at you. We're just trying to help is all.

07-09-17, 00:06
I don't think you're understanding the sentiment behind what's being said here.

What you've just said is very revealing. Clearly you have a pretty severe anxiety disorder. I can relate to going back and forth to hospital and I can also relate to seeking reassurance on here because I've been there too. Have a look at my early posts if you like.

Something like a wheeze in your chest is something almost everybody on here will have had at some point. I know I have. I appreciate you're in a moment of high anxiety and just want someone to make you feel better. Please be reassured that, although we can't tell you what your wheeze is, it is rare for such a symptom to be serious. That's all we can tell you.

Speaking more broadly, what steps do you take to try to challenge these thoughts and move beyond a life controlled by anxiety? Seeking reassurance online so rarely helps a sufferer make real progress. Have you discussed anxiety and treatments with your doctor.

Please don't feel you can't post again.

07-09-17, 00:11
I am sorry I posted then. I see a lot of people posting about their hearts and dizzy spells and what not. I thought that's what this place was for. I think we all know to call a doctor but some of us even suffer from anxiety that involves getting to the doctor and some of us don't even like to leave our homes. Sorry to bother you.

---------- Post added at 22:23 ---------- Previous post was at 22:22 ----------

Sometimes I do have it where I will wake up and my nose is clogged. T that's it as far as cold symptoms..I also have pretty bad reflux.

I get pretty bad reflux as well, you may have allergies like house dust, my right nostril and sinus always feels blocked up, have you tried an antihistamine?, or like a nasal spray to see how you get on, or do you get hay fever, I have that and it can make me wheezy x

07-09-17, 01:38
What Catherine and Server are saying is spot on! If you want tea and sympathy, you'll get that BUT the point is to challenge your irrational thoughts.

The people responding are telling you their experience and what worked! It's hard but it does work!

These are just words on a screen. The people responding have been where you are. Ultimately, it's up to you to act on your own behalf. I hope you do :)

Positive thoughts

07-09-17, 02:00
I've been dealing with anxiety since I was 12 years old. I've been to countless doctors. I've been around the block a few times. I came here to post on an anxiety panic board on a health anxiety topic. Where countless of other people are posting about their health anxieties. Like I said, I'm sorry to bother you and I will be signing out for good.

Thank you to those of you with advice and calming words ❤️

07-09-17, 02:09
One of the most common causes of a wheezing when you inhale/exhale is post nasal drip. Have you got any allergies?

Really? I didn't know that. I have a very sporadic wheeze, with post nasal drip and cough. The wheeze was throwing me.

07-09-17, 11:06
I wonder if you are still reading this thread? I'm going to guess...yes. :winks:

07-09-17, 11:59
You will see my spiral started last year regarding an inhalation wheeze and it's possible causes. I suspect you will have googled already and found similar responses that I did.

My GP diagnosed late onset asthma (am also 37) and I still have a thought around my brain that tells me asthma wheeze is on the exhale not the inhale (informed by google, since my asthma nurse, respiratory consultation, GP all say it's possible) BUT I did eventually via CBT recognise that my thoughts about my health weren't rational. I had tests and the Dr (who is much more experienced than me) believes it is asthma. I have a symbicort inhaler and taken properly it treats the inflammation of my airways and the wheeze is no longer there. I am still alive and still healthy a year after.

I am psychologically in a much better place and this summer has been so much better than last but it took work. It took CBT, fish oils, water, walks, meditation, massage and most recently I have a regular exercise sessions booked in.

Self care takes work, I don't think we often recognise just how much but it is no more effort than the engery we give to our anxieties. I also recognise that I have health anxiety and always will. It is another part of my character. I found some funny memes on the internet, it helps me to recognise how out of proportion my thinking can be.

Nothing to lose by just giving a few of those things a go (assuming of course, you aren't already)

Good luck.x

07-09-17, 12:01
Hi , anxiety and stress can cause wheezing plus a lot of things that go with anxiety can causes it too , I've been wheezing and short of breath for over a year it's an absolute nightmare to live with , been to the docs lots of times so here's there verdicts , asthma which I have but my peak flow is always good , post nasal drip tried the steroids no difference , reflux I take the meds but doesn't alter the wheezing, my chest has been listened to several times but always sounds clear , to me my breathing feel rough and I throat breath which means I tense my throat up and make breathing difficult, sooner or later you will need to see a doc for your own sanity but with me they've been bloody guessing so I have to assume it's anxiety .
Does it stop when you are distracted say concentrating on something and not thinking about your breathing ? I know it's tough because you can't think of a thing else when your breathing isn't right but what ever it is it can be sorted anxiety is probably the least life threatening and the hardest to treat . Take care .

08-09-17, 14:39
I too have asthma diagnosed in adulthood. I wheeze on inhale sometimes and it is worse when laying on my back. I just had a bout last weekend and had to use my rescue inhaler several times. Not fun! If the OP is still reading, THIS is why we suggest seeing a doctor sometimes, because IF it is asthma, or even allergies, you need to get treatment. That doesn't mean we think you have something deadly, but asthma is not to be played around with. Again that is IF it is even asthma.