View Full Version : OK bear with me - gross post, kinda weird...

07-09-17, 01:09
Ok so guys - anxiety for me is at an all time high.
I think I have C.Diff from taking antibiotics for 5 days, my poop is like chocloate mousse (sorry to anyone eating chocloate moose) - anyway the even grosser part.
I did a poop sample and the Dr ordered blood tests, so I put the put the poop into the container and went into the room to await my blood test. As I was waiting I rubbed my arm with my hand, just a nervous thing - the nurse came in swabbed my arm as they do and took the test, then as I walked out I wiped my nose and smelt poop!
I did wash my hands but obviously not well enough as there was poop on my finger!! (SORRY!) not much but enough to see it and then I realised that I had wiped my arm that the blood came from so now I'm FREAKING OUT that the Poop got injected into my blood stream!!!!!
What do you think the chances are of that happening and causing C Diff now in my blood which means Sepsis or shock or something!
I know we are not DR's but is that really bad ...... pooh isn't suppose to be in your blood .... I'm really freaking out.

07-09-17, 01:43
Ok so guys - anxiety for me is at an all time high.

Ohhh Tan :(.... I truly cannot begin to imagine being obsessed with the scenario you posted. I hope you find a path to healing and relief.

Positive thoughts

07-09-17, 01:53
I know Fishmanpa, I'm starting on anti depressants very soon, I've tried everything to stop my OCD thoughts but nothing really helps and I'm feeling a bit hopeless, to be honest. Good to know I guess that that means it's probably not a likely scenario.

07-09-17, 02:00
I know Fishmanpa, I'm starting on anti depressants very soon

So you've been prescribed meds? What med? Dosage? Do you have them? What is your planned start date?

Positive thoughts

07-09-17, 02:28

Have you ever seen the members on here who were nurses or worked in disease control wards? They have always said C.Diff is unmistakable as it's like swamp water and would stink the whole ward out. A doctor would never miss that.

Antibiotics can give you a lot of runs, it's a common side effect, especially on certain ones. This will pass once you come off them. When my mum was in hospital with pneumonia last year they had her on IV & oral and she was in the toilet in her room all the time.

Some people say yoghurt helps (it's the probiotics) for this just as it does for the constipation side of antibiotics (post use).

Infection into a wound site can come from anywhere and you wouldn't even know but the immune system was built to handle this. At worst with dirty hands it could mean infection which just means antiobiotics but it doesn't mean it has happened or will.

07-09-17, 03:56
I've had C Diff three times and while it does have a distinct smell, it's not ALWAYS the case. The first time I had it, I didn't notice what some describe as a barnyard/sickly sweet smell. The second and third times I did have the smell. C Diff is horrible so I hope you don't have it. As far as your other fear is concerned, I highly doubt you'll get sepsis from the poop being on your arm. Good luck! If you do have C Diff, I feel for you. Hopefully it's just typical diarrhea from the antibiotics though.

07-09-17, 04:53
Hi Steph, oh wow 3 times.... so I'm gathering each time you were cured though which is great.... It definitely smelt rancid bad but doesn't smell as bad today but still not a nice smell... wish I hope to not have it too but nice to know it can be cured if I do.

08-09-17, 01:43
yes c diff is pretty unmistakable...i got it in May after taking a course of keflex for an infection in my hand....I was really sick with it...still recovering...slowly...

09-09-17, 03:03
I got my blood tests bak and my C Diff stool test which was negative and bloods were all normal so I guesss that means it's just IBS? I'm worried it's a false negative as I know that that can happen... still have really bad cramps and poop in morning!

09-09-17, 05:12
Could it just be the antibiotics, Tan? Probiotics will help with this such as in yoghurt.

I'm glad you don't have the horrible C.Diff!