View Full Version : Extreme Brain Tumor Health Anxiety Fear

07-09-17, 05:54
Hello all - for the past two and a half months I have been having extreme anxiety over the fear of having a brain tumor.

I've had a series of imaging tests done: one MRI in early July, three CT scans in July, and one MRI on August 3rd. All tests were normal. I've had countless neurological exams (I can't seem to stay out of the ER) - again, all normal. After each test I feel good for a week or so, but the symptoms return and I get anxious again.

Since my last set of imaging tests (i.e., August 3rd), I've started developing new symptoms which are really scaring me. Has anyone ever experienced the following while being anxious? I tried not to Google but I am afraid that I am developing Aphasia because of a possible tumor:

- Skipping over words while reading. Words like "a", "the", or just mis-reading words in general (i.e., should vs. could). My brain also seems to be inserting words occasionally - almost like my mind is trying to make the sentence it's own.

- Thinking that my ability to speak is deteriorating. No one around me seems to think so, but I find myself critically listening to every word I say and judging it. I am checking to see if the grammar and syntax is correct. I've found that I seem to stutter a bit, and I speak a little slower than normal. If I make a mistake, I can feel my anxiety and fear spike.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Gary A
07-09-17, 10:41
Hello all - for the past two and a half months I have been having extreme anxiety over the fear of having a brain tumor.

I've had a series of imaging tests done: one MRI in early July, three CT scans in July, and one MRI on August 3rd. All tests were normal. I've had countless neurological exams (I can't seem to stay out of the ER) - again, all normal. After each test I feel good for a week or so, but the symptoms return and I get anxious again.

Since my last set of imaging tests (i.e., August 3rd), I've started developing new symptoms which are really scaring me. Has anyone ever experienced the following while being anxious? I tried not to Google but I am afraid that I am developing Aphasia because of a possible tumor:

- Skipping over words while reading. Words like "a", "the", or just mis-reading words in general (i.e., should vs. could). My brain also seems to be inserting words occasionally - almost like my mind is trying to make the sentence it's own.

- Thinking that my ability to speak is deteriorating. No one around me seems to think so, but I find myself critically listening to every word I say and judging it. I am checking to see if the grammar and syntax is correct. I've found that I seem to stutter a bit, and I speak a little slower than normal. If I make a mistake, I can feel my anxiety and fear spike.

Does any of this sound familiar?

How could you possibly think you have a brain tumour after your brain has been imaged by the most sophisticated form of imagery in modern medicine and ruled normal? And not just once, either?

Seriously, you have anxiety and it's causing you to focus on things like speech etc. You're probably mixing yourself up at no more a level than anyone else does but because you're zoned in on it you're simply noticing it more.

07-09-17, 14:02

I completely understand your fear, but I can pretty much 100% guarantee you that this is your anxiety messing with you. You've been scanned over and over again and nothing has been seen - these things cannot hide from that number of scans.

Those speaking and reading issues you've mentioned happen with anxiety too. I get them myself. Also things like speaking quickly, and not having full control of how your mouth moves as you form words.

Have you talked to a doc about your anxiety? Because if you're suffering this badly with it, I'd say you need some professional help.

07-09-17, 14:21
The more you fixate on your speaking the worse it will get, that's how anxiety works and that's what happened to me.