View Full Version : my girlfriend suffers from anxiety and depression

07-09-17, 21:20
Hi Looking for some advice my girlfriend suffers from anxiety and depression, and not sure what i should do.

We have only known each other on off for just over 7 months, (2 months when she didnt talk to me for three weeks and i made it clear that i didn't like it)
she always mentioned she had anxiety but i also thought that it wasn't a big deal.

over ther last month quite a lot has happened that makes me relaize that it is a big deal. (Money Trouble and death in the family)

I want to talk to her about it but not sure how i should got about it or what questions i should ask.

reading online i would like to ask her

How long has she suffered from it?
What triggers are they?
what i can do to help her?

She has two Kids from a previous relationship, which ended badly, Some of the things she has told me suggest that she has always suffered with
it in some form or the other, and suspect that if this is the case that it affected her past relationship.

I abolate adore her to bits, and want to make sure that i do anything and everything i possible can to help her thru this, all i have asked her is not to ignore me and tell me whats going on and how she is feeling

Many Thanks

08-09-17, 10:19
Is not a question we can answer, we all have an illness but your lady has her own. A doctor will tell he hers. Is she under the doctor or on medication ????? you dont mention any of this. If she has had some bad news of late it could be situation depression thats depression brought on by thing that happen that screw us that is an easy 1, time will sort that one out plus love from you. if you love her make sure she see,s a doctor say your worried about her :wacko:

08-09-17, 20:18
Thanks, yeah she is on medication, we haven't really discussed what she takes in detail yet, I do want to talk to her about it but not sure how to initiate the conversion, I do, and tell her every chance i get, but as we are not living together and as i haven't meet her kids yet, i can't just show up at her doorstep or meet any of her family yet, i could maybe reach out to her Mum, thru social media/email but not sure if i should as not sure how she will react. i know she has told her mum about me but im not sure how much she has said.

She has asked to be left along for a few days as she needs her personal space so i will do that for the time being.

09-09-17, 10:11
if she is on medication she will tell you about it when she feels comfortable, don't ask her mum that's not the correct approach she will think you prying. If she needs a couple of days off , maybe your trying to hard , just treat her like the lady you fell for. it will all come out in time dont push or she may become uncomfortable.:yesyes: