View Full Version : Fear of having or getting meningitis.

07-09-17, 22:09
First time posting on here - I have never experienced such anxiety over my health before, but seem to be completely fixated on it lately. Let me start from the beginning. Basically, one of my college professors just died from pneumococcal meningitis about a week and a half ago. The university sent out an email reassuring us that it was non contagious, but I can't get it off my mind. The day we found out about her passing (at age 33), I came down with a fever that has persisted ever since. It ranges from 98.5-99.5 throughout the day (my normal is 97.5), and has made me quite worried. My only other notable symptoms are loss of appetite, swollen lymph nodes, and occasional feeling of drainage down the back of my throat and some dizziness at times as well as a kind of burning feeling at times. I wouldn't be so concerned if I hadn't been in a room with her (14 days ago as of today) and had this long lasting sickness that won't seem to go away. I've been to the doctor 3 times now, and all have told me it is a virus that just has to pass on it's own. I've done a urine test and a blood test and both were normal (and I'm not pregnant).

Aside from that, I'm living on my own for the first time while my fiancé starts work in New York, and this is the first person I've ever known and interacted with so close to them passing so suddenly and unexpectedly. So I'm aware that that could be adding to my anxiety. I just don't know how to shake this feeling that there's something more wrong than just a virus.

Can I get input and advice on my situation?

07-09-17, 22:33
Do you suffer from health anxiety anyway? I do and I've had meningitis today once already, our mind plays tricks on us and I was convinced I had it as I've had a headache and stiff neck all day. Now it's moved on to an aneurysm. It's all in our heads literally. If you had meningitis you would be in a LOT of pain right now exhausted not moving no looking at lights headache so bad it made you weak and it would progress within hours. (Wish I could listen to my own rational words here) chin up and stay on this site it does calm you down x

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