View Full Version : Lung Nodule?

08-09-17, 00:23
Hello all. Toward the end of summer 2016, I had an annoying cough that I went to get checked out. The X-ray I had showed a small nodule (not sure of the exact size). Went to see a lung specialist and I got a decent amount of lung function tests done that all came back fine. The specialist didn't really seem concerned, but sent me for a CT scan anyway. The CT scan didn't show anything of interest, and I was told that it wasn't much of anything. Fast forward to this February where I had to get another X-ray for back pain, and again was told that I had a nodule in the same area. Went back to the specialist, who just shrugged it off entirely.

The reason why I bring this up now is because I honestly just found out that I'm supposed to have a follow-up appointment with the specialist sometime this month, and it's sad that I'm freaking out about this all over again. I'm worried that maybe the nodule has grown during that time, and I'm also really confused as to why it shows up in the X-rays but nothing of significance apparently shows up in the CT. Aren't CT scans better? Is it possible that it's just not showing up in the CT because it's really nothing important? For what it's worth, I'm 23 and have never smoked (though I've heard that even non-smokers can get lung cancer, which has also got me on edge :wacko: )

08-09-17, 00:47
I'm old enough to be your father and I've had a lung nodule since your age. If doctors felt there was something amiss with what they saw on the scans, they wouldn't ignore it and send you on your way.

Positive thoughts

08-09-17, 10:30
I have one too. I found out about mine over 15 years ago. I saw a lung specialist too. I think they are pretty common.

08-09-17, 14:30
They haven't performed urgent testing so that's quite telling in that they don't believe it's cancer. And anyway, there are other scans like PET that can work if even biopsies fail. They would likely have done a biopsy too if they had concerns.

My brother had a throat nodule that inflamed. They just whipped it out but obviously an invasive lung procedure is a lot more work so I expect they have other treatments if it causing you problems.

Yes, non smokers get lung cancer but smokers are the common ones with a high % of lung cancer sufferers being smokers. It can be genetic too but this is all uncommon. Besides, they really wouldn't wait...and if you've read about lung cancer you would know that symptoms mean advanced stages so you would be in a really bad way since February by now.

10-09-17, 03:35
Just a quick update on this. I had no idea that my appointment was going to be today. I actually just found out last night. Reading these messages definitely helped calm my nerves a bit. I actually wanted to mention that my cough had all but gone away, as it was related to (presumably) reflux and not my lungs.

At any rate, they did some of the typical tests to check my breathing and such, which were good. The doctor came in and asked how I was feeling. He didn't really mention the nodule from the previous appointments at all, but said that it was okay to wait an additional six months before getting a scan or anything done. I'm a little apprehensive, because I'm always worried that it could've grown or something, but it apparently hadn't grown between the other two scans so... I guess waiting is okay? On the plus side, I don't have to worry about this again until March.

11-09-17, 18:08
I have two small lung nodules and I am fine. I posted about this during the "highest" point of my anxiety. I only found out from seeing my tests online. No doctor or radiologist mentioned it to me. I found it myself--- digging through my medical stuff online. I brought it up to the doctor at my appointment, and she said it's nothing and there's no point of getting it checked out since they are so small . I was 34 at the time and a non smoker.