View Full Version : Acid reflux again!

08-09-17, 08:54
I though I was over this. Huge panic attack this morning becise I woke up and my throats was so tight and I felt like I. Needs to gasp for air. I can feel it all stuck inside my chest! Fist panic attack in months! So annoyed! Still feel breathless with it! I've had 2 endoscopes and both showed nothing yet I'm still here with this! Any ideas on what could be going wrong?

08-09-17, 09:05
Overproduction of acid in the stomach. Have you been prescribed anything for it?

I recently started taking Omeprazole and it's a godsend.

08-09-17, 10:00
urgh.. I feel for you... Ive had it since april, been hospitalised twice.
I make too much bile/stomach acid and also do not digest food very well. the pain is awful and causes chest pressure which kicks off my panic.

I agree thew above medication is very helpful. Ive been taken off of but want it back! ask your dr about it.

good luck

08-09-17, 10:32
Yeah I've had omeperazole and al losers and nothing seems to work for me!

08-09-17, 10:37
Mate, there's nothing wrong with going to your doctor about this. You don't have to accept acid reflux. You can make dietary changes that may help, but I don't think there's anything wrong with seeking treatment for it.