View Full Version : Scared about twitching

08-09-17, 10:11
Hi Guys, I'm new to the forum and was really hoping to gather some advice or reassurance about some twitching I've been having lately...particularly in my face. As a background, I have suffered from anxiety since I was in my early 20's and am now in my mid 30's. Twitching is a usual symptom for me and I find when I'm particularly anxious, I tend towards neurological symptoms.

In recent weeks I have undergone a fair amount of stress. I was admitted to hospital as I have a pacemaker for a mild arrhythmia and was having some chest pain that turned out to be muscle related...was told I'm absolutely fine but cue my health anxiety!!! Then, I got a call from my Mum a week later to say she had been rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack and had stopped breathing. Again it wasn't heart related in the end but turned out to be a really scary week for me and my family. On top of that, my work has been super stressful with various things and as I am a senior manager I have had to deal with a lot of it. THEN my husband and I haven't being seeing eye to eye lately and it came to a head when I packed my bag a few weeks ago and was going to leave. I decided against it and we are working things out but it's still been a tense time.

Now to my symptoms, I had been noticing an occasional twitch in my eye and tremble of my lip over this period but on the day that I had decided to pack my bags and leave, I obviously was quite upset and crying a lot. At this point my lip was trembling uncontrollably for a few minutes. It subsided but since then over the past 10 days I have had intermittent twitching of my eye and particularly around my mouth to the point where if I try and hold a smile, my lips tremble and corners of my mouth twitch. It feels as though I also have fairly consistent pulsing feeling in the area around from my nose on both sides down to my chin along with a heavy sensation in my left eyelid. I have also had random twitching in my legs, left ribs and had consistent twitching of my left thumb for a day about two weeks ago. I'm also undergoing physical therapy for irritation of my first ribs on both sides and have had a sore neck for a few weeks on and off.

I know that all of this along with the fact that I haven't been sleeping great is pointing to anxiety but what is getting to me is the face stuff which I've never experienced for this long and I'm trying really hard not to tell myself it's something more sinister. I have made the mistake of Googling which I don't usually do. :lac: I did tell my doctor who said if things didn't calm down to come back in a week and he also said to take a Xanax nightly which I have been doing but doesn't seem to be helping.

Any similar experiences or reassurance would be greatly appreciated...sorry for the long post.

10-09-17, 23:25
Ive had similar things. I got a twitch in my right eye for over 5 weeks. It was so irratating but ive had similar twitches before. Its down to stress of the body and its nothing to worry about. The less stress and anxiety you have it will go away.
Hope this helps and you get better soon. Bern suffering the same things personally so i feel your stress lol

11-09-17, 12:35
Hi there. 2 years ago I began twitching. These were daily random muscle twitches in my wrists, calves, face, back, stomach....pretty much everywhere. I also Googled and regretted it instantly. Convinced myself I had dreadful neuro diseases and thus succumbed to the worst state of health anxiety I've ever had. I literally obsessed for a year. Went through countless tests and visited SO many health professionals. Mine all started after a particularly stressful time in my life.
What you are experiencing is BFS, Benign Fasciculation Syndrome. Harmless twitching that can occur randomly, or when particularly anxious. Please nip this fear in the bud now before you get anymore worried. Look on the About Bfs site, and there is also a FB page just for this condition. You'll see hundreds of people just the same as you with just the same symptoms and fears. Honestly, this twitching is benign, not serious and as impossible as it seems, you must try and ignore it, or at least not freak out every time you feel them. The more you focus the more you will feel them. It's a vicious cycle.