View Full Version : Let's talk about heart worries.

08-09-17, 10:36
I'm having a bit of a meltdown today so I'm gonna vent. I'd like to hear others stories about their heart fears too to see any similarities. Ok so today I work up anxious again, about my heart due to reflux chest pain. I've had my heart checks a few times. Blood tests, x rays and countless ecg. Doctors said it was fine. But still, each time i see or hear anything about heart attacks it frightens me to death. I stumbled across a page earlier that said somebody at 36. Ha does of a heart attack. I don't know how or why but this shocked me into a panic that it was gonna happen to me. I've had no family history or premature death but I still feel like I'm going to be the one who dies in my 20s of heart attack or something. I worry so much about it, I also smoke which worries me but when I try to stop I get even more anxious and end smoking more! Swings and roundabouts. I just wish I could get past the worry. I know it's one of those where if it happens there's nothing I can do about it. But fretting constantly is taking its toll

Gary A
08-09-17, 10:55
Do you sit and fret about crossing the road? Because I can assure you, the volume of people who die at a young age from being knocked down by a car by far outweighs the amount of people under the age of 50 who have a heart attack.