View Full Version : East Dorset newbie

08-09-17, 22:12
Hi everyone.
I have suffered from anxiety for over 50 years, Used to have panic attacks but got good at distraction techniques to deflect them.
For some reason, and I know not why, I have been feeling intensely anxious and worried about panicking for over a month. The feeling of unreality is scary and persistent. It's greatly limiting what I can do just now. I'm sad and tired trying to deal with it. I use breathing techniques, yoga and alternative therapies, though I did go to GP to check there was no physical cause. Have always carried Rescue Remedy around with me, just in case.
My yoga teacher just put me in touch with a well-respected local herbalist and I'm trying one of his potions.
My partner is kind and tries to understand but sometimes you need to 'talk' with others who know what it's like to suffer from this 'thing'.
I don't like to moan and dwell on myself, I'm a contented soul as a rule and generally very positive.

08-09-17, 22:17
Hiya Lilliput and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Senior Moment
09-09-17, 10:35
Hello Lilliput. I can relate to all you said in your post. I too have suffered with anxiety for a long time, particularly health anxiety which is a double whammy in a way, because the physical symptoms of anxiety [dizziness, palps, shaky legs, head pressure etc.} just make you think even more that you have a physical illness which is a vicious circle that you find yourself in. I am not on medication cos didn't cope with the side effects of it so, like you, I use Rescue Remedy and have just started a CBT course to see if that helps. Its a nightmare, but it does help to know that others are in the same position and that we are not alone. That was a lot of my problem years ago, before internet days, that I thought I was definitely ill cos didn't know anything about anxiety and how ill it can make you feel. Nightmare. Take care. x

09-09-17, 14:37
Hello there Senior Moment - great name btw.

One of the problems that has prevented me from getting over my condition is the sense of shame and needing to hide it. This led me to thinking that I was the only one ever to suffer from this madness and if anyone found out I'd be carted off and locked up!

I've had a shortish course of CBT which helped but once it was finished I didn't have any support to make further progress. A couple of years after it I asked the GP if I could have CBT again so they sent someone round to talk to me and I was told my condition wasn't serious enough!

I was lucky enough to be able to work right up to early retirement and earn enough pension to be able to afford alternative treatments. What I really like about those is that someone spends time talking and listening to you and sees all aspects of you as a person, not just a sympton requiring a prescription.

The internet is indeed a bit of a godsend - knowing you're not alone and there others who understand is reassuring.

I hope you can be directed to something that helps you. I'd be pleased to hear how you get on.