View Full Version : Finding out more about HA

06-06-07, 20:16
Hi, I was diagnosed with HA a while ago but buried my head in the sand because i am so paranoid about reading other peoples symptoms but i have been told to find out more about it before i have CBT.

I have to admit that the first website i found discussing how people felt i thought they were all nuts!:ohmy: Obviously i knew that also meant me, but now i really feel that i could use some of the wonderful advice and support i have seen here. My family and freinds have been great but none of them have any concept of what is actually going on or how i can be fine one minute and the next be a wreck!

This is a lonely illness. I also feel like I WANT TO BE ABLE TO TAKE LIFE FOR GRANTED!!! isnt that an odd thing to think?

Any help or support would be gratefully recieved

Sharon xx

07-06-07, 03:38
I know exacly how you feel, one minute you're fine, the next, something sets you off and you're a complete mess.Be assured that you are not alone, there's nothing wrong with just wanting to get on with your life, HA stops you from doing that. I'm not too bad for now, but a few months ago, that was just what I wanted, I wanted it to leave me alone so I could get on with my life. CBT should help alot, so I hope you have some success with it.

07-06-07, 22:15
Thanks Cattt

it is good to know you arn't alone, sometimes it is impossible to believe that its all in my head, the symptoms freak me out totally

sharon xx