View Full Version : Lymph node under collarbone?

07-06-07, 14:07
I felt just in from my right shoulder, just under my collarbone, a lymph node the other week. It was sore then but it's not now, as was the right side of my neck. However, it's pretty hard still but only about half a cm in thickness, and is more of a contant pipe rather than a bean.

The main thing I'm wondering is, is it serious to have a lymph node 'enlarged' under/about the collarbone? Ages ago, I recall in a mad Googling spree reading that it usually meant trouble (you know what I mean), and since then have been hoping I never find one there. Now I have and I'm just wondering if anyone knows better?

08-06-07, 01:08
Ok, there's somehting identical on the left side I hadn't noticed before. Maybe they're both lymph nodes or maybe they're something muscly and gristly. Here's hoping the latter.

15-06-07, 13:27
Lymph nodes can raise anywhere, it doesn't mean if they raise on a certain area that its cancer or something.

A cancerous gland would be very large (golf ball size) and very hard. I know this because my son had a very large gland in his neck last year, he had a blood count done and all was fine. His gland is still raised now but because its squishy and moveable its not a worry.

15-06-07, 13:37
They can swell up for all sorts of reasons. I got stung on my hand by a wasp a few years ago and shortly afternwards noticed a swollen lymph gland in my armpit and it seemed to be huge and I was quite worried. However it seems to have been connected tot he wasp sting and after about 6wks it did disappear, but I was very worried at the time.

Maybe you could just go and see your Dr so that he or she can reassure you that what you have felt is normal.

15-06-07, 19:29
Well I checked and then checked again 10 mins later after a typical bout of worry I might have not felt it right, but they both appear to be gristly things. In this case what I was feeling was small but very hard, which was why I was worried.

16-06-07, 15:21
They don't sound like anything to worry about to me but see your GP if its making you ill with worry.