View Full Version : Anxiety and OCD -HELP!

07-06-07, 14:47
Hello to everyone. I was diagnosed with OCD years ago and am having a really rough time of it at the moment. I live in Ireland and my parents live in England so when I get bad times I have to come back to England to be with them. I run my own company so it is tough going getting sick like this on and off. At the moment my OCD thoughts are thoughts of harming myself and killing myself even though I know deep down all I want to do is get on and enjoy life. The thoughts are causing me extreme anxiety and this week it got so bad at I had to come back to England to spend time with my parents. Does anyone else get these thoughts? In the past my OCD thoughts have been that I was a lesbian and paedophile and it all just completely freaks me out. Also is there anyone on the site who is from Ireland as well?


07-06-07, 15:15
I've had OCD thoughts of being a lesbian, having HIV, not loving my husband.... and they go round and round. I know what its like.

Stay focused though - it will get better.