View Full Version : Bipolar/Depression

07-06-07, 17:08
Hi my brother suffers from bipolar/severe depression.We as a family have had to go through hell in the last 20 years with him,a real nightmare.If I had to go into it all I would be here until next week.Along with that he is an alcoholic.
I would like someone to reply my post who actually knows as a family what we are going through.How it affects us as a family and what its like to have someone so close with this illness.
what have your experiences been?how have you coped?Has it made your anxiety or depression worse?I would love to hear from anyone.My brother is 37,but hes like a little boy.He is on self distruct at the moment.As a family we have helped him in every way we can,he has had all the support from us and metal health teams,but he does nothing to help himself.
Hope to hear from you soon.:hugs:

08-06-07, 03:53
yes Ellen I can totally relate! My sister (also 37) is bipolar and has problems since childhood. It has just about destroyed my family. My mother is severely anxious and i have all sorts of anxiety related difficulties. My sis is now unmedicated (says its the rest of the worlds problem not hers) but self medicates with drugs which make it worse. She is periodically manic (doesnt sleep eat or pay bills) always paranoid, some times after prolonged periods of mania becomes psychotic. We have tried everything but the way the law stands here she cannot be forced into hospital even when psychotic and skeletal. Could talk for hours about affect on us!
My local mental health service was very helpful to me with counselling and support groups for carers of those with mental health disability - I highly recommend this for the whole family if available to you. So much to say... if you want to talk private message me, I will definately sympathise. Take care of yourself xxx