View Full Version : Weird Feeling

23-11-04, 01:04
The past couple of weeks i've been experencing some weird feelings in my chest. I've been having panic attacks for the past couple of months but have never felt this symptom. Is it just another symptom of panic? Or is it related to heart trouble? Gas? It's just this pressure and it won't go away. I've had an EKG and it's turned out normal but during my holter moniter test I didn't have a panic attack and they couldn't read it. I am scared to for my life right now and don't know what to do. Please Help!

23-11-04, 13:06
hi Caspian,

I often get that pressure feeling in my chest. It's a horrible feeling and it really scared me at first but it really is just a symptom of anxiety so don't worry too much, ok?

Sarah :D

23-11-04, 16:44
hi caspian, from my experiences of anxiety, and talking to people who also suffer, anxiety has such a vast range of symptoms. I have known friends who have thought they were having heart attacks but it has just been a case of anxiety. It sounds like you are really stressed and need some sort of release. Remember that a bout of panic can sometimes stem from how you breathe and pain/pressure in the chest or stomach is very common. So try not to worry, most of us here have been there.

23-11-04, 18:48
Hi Caspian,

I have exactly the same thoughts when I get these horrible pains in my chest, and have thought I was genuinely having a coronary, but I now realise it is just the panic and anxiety building up and when you get in your head you think about it more and more and the feeling gets worse. All I can suggest is when you get this feeling try to call someone (preferrably someone who enjoys talking) and just get them to blabber away, just finding something to take your mind away from it will help, as it has me. Breathe deeply through your nose and out of your mouth and remember you are not in any danger.

I hope this helps.

Keep smiling