View Full Version : dentist

07-06-07, 23:14
Hi all i have some treatment next Wednesday a 20 min appointment for 2 fillings and 2 broken teeth to be removed.Not worried about having the teeth out its the fillings had a bad experience a few years ago and even after having the injection when the dentist drilled i could feel it, in the end i had to go for sedation to have a tooth filled that was great but expensive. I have got diazipan and doc said take 10 mg the night before and 10 mg an hour before appointment but last time it didnt really work, got to go to work straight after too!!!!Any advice on how to be less panicky on the day also itsa new dentist as my old one is 300 milesaway. Many thanks
Take care Annexx

08-06-07, 05:04
Do you really have to go to work straight after?
Can't you arrange some time off? No one would want to go to work after that.
Be kind to yourself,you're going to be nervous no matter what, but if you pamper yourself a bit it might be a bit easier. Have an easy day, arrange some treats and something to look forward to afterwards.
And remember that time is always passing, it won't last forever, and it will soon be over.

08-06-07, 07:29
hi Cattttt
Im not sure if the dentist is going to do all the treatment on one day and yes i do have to go to work afterwards because i only work three hours a day and they wont let me have time off as im supposed to have dentist appointments outside work hours. Because of work ive had to cancel this appointment twice now. I dont want to take my children with me as im so panicky about the dentist and dont want them to be afraid to go too.
Take care Anne xx

08-06-07, 07:30
Hi Anne,

I don't have any advice to give you hun but I can give you a wee hug. :hugs: xxx

08-06-07, 09:44
Hi Anne

I have a phobia of dentists also,so i havent realy got any advice :ohmy:
But i did find these links on the forum that may help.:)

The dentist (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3058)
New here - fear of a panic attack (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4331)
been (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4408)
I didnt freak out at the Dentists!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=609)
Day of Doom - Return to the Dentist II (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4122)
getting in a tizzy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5002)
HELP- need advice (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7424)


08-06-07, 14:53
I have worked in a dental surgery for 18 years, please explain your fears to your dentist, what I usually suggest to patients is they can raise their hand at any time and at that point we will stop straight away, so if they can feel anything or just feel they want a breather its in their control. You can have a topical gel put on your gum to numb it before the injection is placed, you can also have gas and air breathed through a masked to help you relax. Also take along a cd or ipod this helps with distraction and from the noise from the drills.
I hope this has been of help.
Please feel free to pm if you need anymore answers.:hugs: