View Full Version : what avoidance techniques do you use ?

08-06-07, 12:43
Ive decided Im going to think about all my avoidance behaviours,

Instead of going to the shops I buy food online.
Instead of having my hair cut in a shop , I do it myself or family to do it.
Instead of driving the car , i get a taxi or get hubby to take me somewhere.
Instead of going out to work alot more , I do some work from home.

Its really not good enough is it :lac: .

08-06-07, 15:45
I have my hair done at home,I have a mobile hairdresser.

My partner takes me everywhere in the car to avoid any public transport.

I make my doctors appointments for mornings so I dont have to worry all day for late appointments.

I now have blood tests done at the local surgey so I dont have to go to hospital.

Mirry what work do you do at home?I have an evening job but Im home all day.

08-06-07, 17:29
Hi ellen, just my jewellery making and then sell it at different locations, dont make much money from it, £20 - £30 a week if im lucky.

Need to do craft fairs (gulp)

08-06-07, 18:36
I just don't go out. Now thats avoidance!!!!

That is NOT good enough :(


Brandy snap
09-06-07, 03:39
Hi, I buy my clothes from Next and La Redoute catalogues as I get so hot and panicky in clothes shops/changing rooms. Brandy Snap

09-06-07, 03:52
I make up stupid excuses why I can't go to stores when I am feeling anxious.
I shop on ebay alot so I don't have to go to stores.
I have alot of friends online but only a few in 'the outside world' so I don't have to go out and be social.


09-06-07, 10:15
I use plastic disposable plates/cutlery etc and prepare food wearing gloves due to OCD related to my eating disorder.

Also I buy food that I then am not able to allow myself to eat so I throw it in the bin and pour bleach over it.

I use email rather than the phone where I can.

I also take sleeping pills to excess in an attempt to block out the day.

None of it is good and I am trying to work at changes with my CBT therapist but it is a long, slow haul.


09-06-07, 10:30
Hi, I buy my clothes from Next and La Redoute catalogues as I get so hot and panicky in clothes shops/changing rooms. Brandy Snap

You sound like me Brandy snap. I should have shares in NEXT as I buy so much online from them. I really love it when I get a 'free delivery' email from them as it means I can order more often. I did buy some stuff from La Redoute but they are just sooooo slow to deliver and their returns service where I am is crap :ohmy:

Apart from buying clothes online, which I mainly do in the Summer as once it gets darker in the evenings I can just about get into town

I order my groceries every two weeks online

I order things for the house online

I make Dr's appts online to avoid talking to a receptionist and make sure I get the first appointment of the day which is 8.00am

I request my repeat prescriptions online and then the pharmacy picks it up, fills it and I get my partner to go and pick it up

I seem to have stopped driving and the only time I drive now is on the rare occasions we go out and my partner has had too much to drink and so I need to drive home as I am always sober

I get family to come to visit me at my house rather than try and go to them

My list could go on and on :ohmy:

09-06-07, 10:47
I'm lucky in comparison to a lot you that have answered this post insofar as I have recovered to a large extent. However, I still have stumbling blocks at work and my career progression is thwarted by my reluctance to travel abroad, give presentations at meetings etc. So, I spose I'm still in a sense avoiding. But hey, shouldn't really moan, this time last year I couldn't get off the couch or go to the loo on my own!!

Kay x

09-06-07, 12:29
I can realte to what all of you have said.
I dont go out at all, everything i buy is fron online stores, i do my work at home because i didnt make it to uni and avoid anyhting stressful.
I am going to try and go to the doctors on my own next time. It is litually 1 min walk down at the end of my road.

Tricky Tree
09-06-07, 18:42
I guess that Im fortunate that my attacks tend to be isolated to going out on meetings in relation to my work as opposed to affecting everyday routines and issues.

What I have found however is that avoidance really is counter productive - yes, it gets you out of that situation at the time, but it makes it even harder next time.

Im attacking it on all fronts:

Committed to exercise
Trying to lose some weight.
Challenge every negative thought I have
Take beta blockers 1 hour before going anywhere stressful
Take Dr Bachs rescue remedy
Reading Paul McKennas book on being more confident

Im determined Im going to beat this thing.

The challenging every negative thought thing is an interesting concept - and I think its starting to work.

Another one - take one risk everyday - doesnt have to be a big one.

Be kind to youself - but stand up for yourself. You CAN do it.

Im not there yet, but Im working on it.