View Full Version : Can anybody help regarding my latest fear?

08-06-07, 13:20
Hard to explain but I will try my best.

Corner of your mouth, where the lips meet, I appear to have little white lumps there, approx 3-4 each side, and they are small but noticeable.

I was wondering if anybody else had these as I'm getting very worried about what they are.

My regular Hygienist was 2 weeks ago and she said gums were ok, they might of been there for a while but I only noticed them yesterday/today.


08-06-07, 15:40
I have these to,and across the top of my upper lip.They have always been there.There not raised or anything.Never bothered me.Im sure its quite normal.

08-06-07, 16:19
I have them too, mostly on top lip, i thought they were scars as im prone to cold sores.
anx x

08-06-07, 16:31
I've got them too and in fact if I stretch out my bottom lip I can see they run right across. They are very very tiny and if they are raised it's hardly noticeable.

I did worry about them years ago when I first noticed them and did go to the Dr. She looked at them and just said as long as they don't itch and aren't sore then they are nothing to worry about. I subsequently asked other people if they had them, and most people who went to the trouble of looking found they had them too.

I don't get cold sores, so mine aren't related to anything like that and I just assumed in the end that most people have them but just don't notice them.

08-06-07, 16:41
I've got them too and in fact if I stretch out my bottom lip I can see they run right across. They are very very tiny and if they are raised it's hardly noticeable.

I did worry about them years ago when I first noticed them and did go to the Dr. She looked at them and just said as long as they don't itch and aren't sore then they are nothing to worry about. I subsequently asked other people if they had them, and most people who went to the trouble of looking found they had them too.

I don't get cold sores, so mine aren't related to anything like that and I just assumed in the end that most people have them but just don't notice them.


I have just stretched my lower lip and I also have lots of them there.
Mine did itch, that is what brought my attention to them.


08-06-07, 17:37
Do they look a bit like spots? Could just be infections from if you touched here.

08-06-07, 18:35
They look like little tiny ulcers.

miss motown
08-06-07, 21:29
i get these all the time and im a bugger for biting them which looks awful once ive done it terrible habbit ive started doing

08-06-07, 21:40
outside or inside the lips? i.e. are they visible when you smile or when you lift the lip?

09-06-07, 09:05
They are slightly visable but to have a better look, you have to open mouth wide or pull out lip.

09-06-07, 10:41
I really am sure they are nothing to worry about, they sound just like the ones I have and I think I first noticed mine about 15yrs ago and they have never changed. Maybe next time you are at the Dr's you could just ask about them to put your mind at ease.

09-06-07, 11:50

I must admit, the sound very simular to what people on this thread are suggesting.

I'm going to try and ignore it.


09-06-07, 13:12
They are slightly visable but to have a better look, you have to open mouth wide or pull out lip.

Ok in that case they are perfectly normal.

I went to the doc about mine and he said they have always be there and I insisted they hadn't and it was something like mouth cancer.:blush:

His reply was that they HAD always been there but I had never noticed them and now I was LOOKING for them !

Makes sense I guess.

09-06-07, 13:37
Ok in that case they are perfectly normal.

I went to the doc about mine and he said they have always be there and I insisted they hadn't and it was something like mouth cancer.:blush:

His reply was that they HAD always been there but I had never noticed them and now I was LOOKING for them !

Makes sense I guess.

I think you are spot on Nicola. This is what we do when we have health anxiety, we find something that has always been there but we just hadn't noticed it before and we start to obsess about it.

Gemma T
16-09-11, 00:47
They are called papillae. A skin thing and merely cosmetic x x x

16-09-11, 10:10
I have had these spotsfor years on my top lip and bottom lip, they are tiny white spots which feel just a little rough if you feel them with your tongue. I mentioned it to the doctor once and he said it was just the way I was made.

16-09-11, 16:28
I have a couple of spots. They're risen and they are a whitish color. Must be about 1mm-2mm in size. Have not got any bigger or smaller in the last couple of months. Do they sound similar to what is being described in this thread?

Gemma T
22-09-11, 14:16
The most common white spots on the lips are papillae.

Inside the mouth you are probaly looking at cysts. I have so many in my mouth I have lost count x x x

03-10-11, 15:48
Hi guys. I currently have a canker sore on my upper right lip. While I was examining it, I saw what you guys described as the white/rice-like spots on the lips. I found these white spots on both corners of my upper lip. They are also painless and non-itchy.

The question in this site perfectly describes my situation:

The answer is fortunately benign. I hope this is my case.

Anyone else please relate?

03-10-11, 15:50
Could they just be visible white heads? I get a lot of pimples around my chin and mouth and sometimes have visible white heads there too.

25-10-11, 16:07
This is bugging me again. I pull out my bottom lip and inside there are lots of little spots. I can't really feel them with my tongue but there are 2 slightly bigger ones i can feel. One on the bottom and one on the side of my lip.

I noticed the bigger 2 around 3 months ago and in that time they have not got any bigger or smaller. They have just stayed exactly the same.

I'm a bit worried what it could be.