View Full Version : SACKED

08-06-07, 15:22
Just need to get this off my chest.:mad:
I have worked as a manager of a Dental Surgery for the ast 18 years, I have been of sick for the last 8 months with extreem anxiety, panic attacks, agrophobia and depression, though I must say with the help of this site, anti depressants and counselling I am well on the road to recovery, the only other time I have been of ill was 10 years ago for 3 months with the same thing.
My bosses have been insensitive throughout this period only communicating with me by letter, quizzing the staff about conversations they have had with me, sending me for all sorts of medical assessments, which I must say have all been positive about my recovery except one, wanting me to do full time instead of part time on my return.
Last week I was called into work and given a letter, which basically said I was being dismissed on the grounds of incapacity, due to the one anti medical report from a private occupational health specialist employed by them, who wrote that I am currently unfit for work and will remain unfit for the forseeable future, being unable to offer a constitant and reliable service.
I do understand their point of view and if they had been curtious and actually
spoke to me face to face I would have offered my resignation, as I understand it was difficult for them not knowing when i would be back.
I just feel like a useless lump now.
Sorry for going on, but it does help to write things down.

08-06-07, 15:26
Oh that is rough to take. In an ideal world they'd have had some cover until you were up and running again on all cylinders.

All I can say is take this as a fresh start. There are employers who don't behave like this so when you feel ready for a new job don't let this put you off.

You aren't a useless lump. Well if you are - I am too.:)

08-06-07, 15:26
Aww mate that's not on is it - I do hope someone will come and read who can help you with the facts surrounding this sort of thing and quite what you do next.

If they don't then I think if I were you I would contact the citizens advice bureau so you know your rights etc!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

08-06-07, 15:29
Hi Jane,

I am very sorry to hear about this. Have a big hug (((Jane)))

After working there for 18 years, it may well be difficult to make the adjustment as you may suffer a big feeling of rejection. I went through this with redundancy after a year's sickness. But I was pleased to learn that you are on the road to recovery. Maybe you now need some 'you' time, and maybe look to the future. Try and turn this setback into a longer term opportunity and keep your spirits up.

Take Care

08-06-07, 15:34
Thats well out of order!!!!!!
Bug hug for you:bighug:

08-06-07, 15:40
As said above, get yourself straight around to the Citizens Advice. You have rights too. You can not be discriminated against for being ill (Disability Discrimination Act, not sure what year). If anything, they should be cutting your hours to suit you, not asking you to work more. Find out what you're' entitled to and then go back at them. You may have a case for constructive dismissal.

Let us know how you're getting on.

Love Jo :hugs: (feeling very bolshie this afternoon!!)

08-06-07, 15:41
Sorry just re-read your post, and your case would be for unfair dismissal, not constructive dismissal.

08-06-07, 15:45
sorry to hear about that mingsy,dont sound fair at all,i wish they did at least talk with you,its not our fault we have this,so like somone said give yaself some time i bet you something better will come along when you are up too it, i wish ya the best,.............Lindaxx

09-06-07, 04:12
Hi mingsy

So sorry to hear that you've been having a bad time last 8 months, but glad to hear that you feel you're on the road to recovery.

As for work, usually there are policies, that they would make you redundant due to health problems, so that at least you would get something out of it, especially as you've worked there for 18 years, and normally most companies will not sack until someone has been off for a year, and even then under extreme circumstances. Do you still have your contract? I would really look into this if I were you, I know it's not gonna help you get your job back but they could be well our of order and they might not know all the legal circumstances either.

Try and look at it as you were due for a change anyway, 18 years is a long time to be in the same job, you can get a better job where you're treated a whole lot better than that.

Keep up the good work of getting better and I wish you all the best.
Take care of yourself

09-06-07, 11:06
I would go to the Employment Tribunal and apply for a hearing asap (you have 3 months in which to do this from date of dismissal). I believe your employers have acted out of accepted procedure and as someone else has already mentioned, you will have some protection under the DDA under the 'mental impairment' section.

Having said that, if that's gonna cause you to feel more stressed then you would have to weigh up the pro's and con's of going through this procedure.

Anyway, sorry to hear of the shoddy treatment you have received from your employer and I hope you can find some peace of mind and closure from this incident.

Kay x