View Full Version : Can anyone relate to this please?

08-06-07, 19:06
Hello again.
Don't suppose i have doing TOO badly just lately, but i still feel the same.
I suppose the dizziness is a little bit better but still comes in waves where everything moves quickly and i lose my balance. Will be getting the results of my MRI scan's on 4th July so another 4 weeks to wait again!!
Panic attacks have lessened but i still get the anxiety.
What i really wanted to ask was that i am still getting the unreality, feelings of doom, feelings of being in a daze, not really here and as if i just 'zone out'. I don't get 'all day' unreality anymore, just comes in waves, but it is sometimes as if everything turns inward to myself all of a sudden. Can anyone understand and relate to what this feels like, because it is horrible?

08-06-07, 21:15
yes, love. I get it too

08-06-07, 21:52
I can relate to that 100%...everything you just said. That being 'zoned out' that makes me feel im going mad. I get dizzy, I feel the impending doom, too. xx

09-06-07, 21:27
Isn't it difficult???!!!!
I find this very hard to deal with and continue to try and live a 'normal' life. I still go to work, don't know how i do it, can't remember most of it and yes, it does frighten the life out of me at times. I try to just carry on and on and on, but it's very hard.
Today is Saturday, lovely day, with my family, not at work, should be a great day right? So why have i had such a bad unreality day? It just makes no sense whatsoever. I hate this so much and it's really ruining my life.
Glad to know you are not alone though, thankyou very much for your replies.x

10-06-07, 17:30
that unreality thing is so spooky - but it does go away.
I had it i a shopping mall really badly once and it really freaked me. I did read somewhere that it is a slightly protective brain mechanism when you are in extreme anxiety because it is your brain trying to protect you from extremem fear. I think it is a form of what happens to people involved in bad accidents or situations. If you look at it like that, maybe it will go away more quickly.

I totally hear how you are feeling because my life is a nightmare right now - and for no real reason at all.

Everything in my life is great apart from this 'illness'. Dizzy and palpitations all the time, nausea - rubbish isn't it all?

Take care x

10-06-07, 18:02

I get the worse feeling of unreality when I'm off work and trying to relax, I think I feel better at work cos I just dont have the time to think about it all as much. It is a terrifying feeling and I've had it for 2 years now but it has got better as time has gone on.


10-06-07, 18:26
I feel like this too, I feel like I have stepped out of my body and watching myself go through the motions.

11-06-07, 07:34
Yes me too, its not much fun is it and I feel people can see how spaced out I look.

11-06-07, 10:01
I get the unreality thing alot. It is the most awful feeling.I find not only does it make me feel so spaced out, it also gives me confusion where i forget words, or how to spell. I dont trust my judgement when i am like this. I cannot concentrate. I took my son to school this morning and the playground was so noisey, similar to the sounds in a swimming pool. I felt so detached from it all. some times i dont believe this can be anxiety as no one has told me it is. Dont know what to think.


11-06-07, 20:42
I know exactly, was noisy here earlier with the kids and visitors and my brain was very overloaded! My ears were going crazy. Horrible.
This is the thing that i am struggling with big time.
The other two close runners up are high pulse, especially after eating and also ectopic heart beats. The dizziness and the ectopics have got a little better over the past month, but i'm still really struggling right now.
Thanks for all the replies guys, good to know that you are not alone.x

12-06-07, 09:31
I have a fast pulse as well, and also i get it alot after eating, which i find really weird!


17-06-07, 03:47
Sounds like my typical day . lol no kidding ..wake up feeling i can see.. then wake up anxious nervous feeling of doom..get up stumble outside and feed the horses and the dogs and do whatever needs to be done..come back in and manage to stand up long enough to make something to eat and then I sit down to do a little computer work and get so involved i get feelings of unreality because every looks different when i look up from concetrating .At that point i get nervous take a libium and then im sick to my stomach because I havent eaten...worrying that i have diabetietis and well thats why i feel faint..I eat.. then stomach hurts i get depressed cause I don't want to feel like this ,then get back on computer and feel detached and wonder why I do anything doesnt really matter,then look outside and wonder where I am .. so far removed from where im used to .. and its all confusing but it will go away just keep going get up and do something push yourself to do something you wouldnt normally would and well you will be proud of yourself.. It will go away just hang in there and things are all good.. it too will pass ..M