View Full Version : Hi I am Lisa

09-06-07, 13:29
Hi I am Mev, :) I am mid 30's and I live in hampsire.

I have only just come across this site and its reassuring to know that I am not alone.

I have a wonderful husband and a lovely son aged 7.

My panic only started after I had my son, before I had him I was carefree and worried about things only when I knew there was something to worry about, since I had him, from time to time I have had an illness / symptoms of a condition and before I have got it checked out I convince myself its something serious and panic and worry till the point I have severe panic attacks.

I had severe post natal depression after I had my son which lasted about 3 years, and never been fully cured from the panic since. I usually get several months and even years when everything seems to be ok, then just when I least expect it, it comes back.

Just a few of the things that have happened, I found a lump in breast which I worried for 6 weeks was breast cancer, turned out to be fatty tissue, I pulled a muscle in my chest, but convinced I was going to have heart failure, I have had pins and needles in my feet which I thought was the start of ms, I could name at least 10 more examples.

It seems as time of stress I focus on any abnormality in my body and fixate on it constantly to the point where I make the problem seem worse.

At the moment I have been suffering from dizzy heads for 6 weeks, been to the doctors who thought it was a middle ear infection, no tests were done, I was kept given anti-sickness / dizziness pills and told to come back in 2 weeks if not gone, this happened several time, i worried about it, and then I started suffering from headaches, I have had a head ache every day now for the past 10 days, of course I am convinced now its a brain tumour !!!! as it generally starts in the same place at the back of my head, and then by the time I have thought about it for a few hours its taken over my whole head and constantly there. No matter how much I tell myself its probably not a tumour, because I also have a slightly stiff neck and imagine its a stress/tension headache, I still worry about the slight chance that it is something serious. I worry myself to the point where I want to be sick.

I have a doctors apponintment on Tuesday and know that I will go and feel better for about an hour then the panic/dread will start again.

Typing this out I know in my head I sound like I am nuts, but it feels so real and its taken over my life and I have no quality of life at the moment. :weep:

09-06-07, 14:37
Hi Lisa

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)

Take a look at the Symptoms, How to Cope and First Step pages also that are sittuated at the left hand side of this page they will be of interest to you.


09-06-07, 14:40
Welcome to the site Mev.

There is plenty of good advice and comfort here and hope your painful feelings will soon ease.

Take Care


09-06-07, 16:57
Hi and :welcome: Mev,

You don't sound nuts at all bud. Everyone worries about illness to a certain extent from time to time but for you it has become more of an issue. In a lot of (if not all) cases anxiety is closely linked to an excessive release of natural chemicals (such as adrenaline) by your thought processes. It's good to see you onboard as you'll get loads of advice and support here from friends who understand. I'm sure you'll find the forum on health anxiety especially useful.

Take care,

09-06-07, 17:04
Welcome Mev,
You Are Not Nuts, You Will Find Lots Of Info And Support Here I Wish Ya The Best..............linda X

09-06-07, 17:13
thanks all, I feel a little better already :)

09-06-07, 17:37
Hi Lisa

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

09-06-07, 23:16
Hello mev, :welcome:to you!

Firstly - you are not nouts!

Secondly - you will find so much help and support here......we all did!

Pleased to meet you!


10-06-07, 01:09

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends. Where abouts in Hampshire are you, as I am in Gosport :)

Take care

Trac xxxx

10-06-07, 09:18
Thanks all.

I am from Southsea

10-06-07, 09:34
Hi Mev, I lived in southsea untill 5 years ago, my mum still lives there.
I now live not too far away from you in Portchester.
I am 38 years old and suffer the same as you, please feel free to PM anytime about anything !

Take care

10-06-07, 09:35
Hi Lisa and welcome to the site,

Your symptoms sound totally normal to me love, you will meet lots of people on here who can help advise and support, From now on Love your not alone with this..
Take care

10-06-07, 10:15
Welcome Lisa - as a veteran of anxiety and panic attacks I can empathise with you. This site is great and has been a real support to me.

10-06-07, 16:02
Hi Lisa,

Welcome to NMP. I was going to say you will find many on here who will feel just like you do but as you can already see you have found some! This site is great for support and information.


10-06-07, 19:24
Hi Lisa,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
11-06-07, 15:05
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx

13-06-07, 16:34
Hi Mev, welcome to the forum. Don't worry you are not mad we all suffer strange things and the main message is that however odd your thoughts or worries someone here feels the same.
I was always a bit 'highly strung' as my nan used to say but it was not till the birth of my son in 2001 I became very anxious and depressed. It was a difficult birth and both he and me nearly died. My family is not shall we say as supportive as some are, my husband just accepts I take my 'mad pills' but says I make myself ill, so thats that.
I have been on and off antidepressant pills, Prozac, Citrapolam, Mirtapazine and most recent Efexor. I like you keep thinking I am going to die and there is something seriously wrong with me. I also get headaches most days, and sadly have to take copious amounts of painkillers just to work. (I work full time in PR).
Every so often I, what I call 'tune in and drop out' where I sort of have like a mini crisis, and getting through everyday is hard. I am coming out of one of those spells right now.
But look please feel free to PM me if you need to, we are all here to help!:shades:

29-09-12, 12:57
Hi, i'm dee and new to this site today. I feel my depression is heredatary and i've had it as long as i can remember now and i'm 48. Today i was taken off 20/40mg citalopram and put on 37.5mg venaflaxine instead. The citalopram just didn't work for me any more. Does anyone here have any experience of being on veneflaxine please? x

30-09-12, 00:01
Lisa, keep going for your 7 year old. see the doctor and get referred to some who can help you. I am trying CTB and therapy. It may not work in the long run but I am going to givr it a good shot. Try the breathing and muscle relaxing exercises when you feek
l bad. You live in Hampshire I kive in SE London