View Full Version : Scared I will get a stroke from yoga!!

09-09-17, 19:43
I was in a yoga class and we did a pose where you have to let your head fall back and it kinda hurt my neck so I stopped. I looked up the pose later and apparently some people have gotten strokes from it!! Now I'm terrified and wondering if I should go to the ER. My neck hurts but my parents say it's just a strain or something and they laughed when I said my worry. I hate that I freak out at anything but this was a weird pose!

09-09-17, 22:52
What pose was it? Most things that would injure your neck significantly enough to cause a stroke would do so right away. You certainly wouldn't feel well enough or be able to look it up and type a message asking this board. So take that as comfort.

Always let your yoga instructor know right away if something hurts or makes you uncomfortable. They should address your concern right away or give you a modified pose. If you can find an Iyengar Yoga instructor, they are particularly good about teaching carefully and to your ability and comfort level.

You're probably just fine :) If your strain gets worse or isn't better in a few days, or you experience any more serious symptoms see a doc.

I know I find benefit from yoga when it comes to anxiety - but it's also good not to push it. Maybe find a gentle yoga class to ease your anxiety before trying anything too strenuous. Be kind to yourself!

09-09-17, 23:06
It was fish pose, where you let your head drop back. My neck and upper back felt pretty sore after even though I immediately stopped when I realized it hurt. I'm really good about doing my own thing but I didn't realize what could happen with the strokes and all if I do poses like that. I feel like and idiot and am thinking I probably gave myself a stroke.

09-09-17, 23:22
PT... you've had fatigue, meningitis, a spinal cord injury from sitting in a chair and now a stroke from yoga just in the last week! There are a dozen more fears in the last few months too.

Did you ever decide to take the doctor's advice and try meds? Probably not eh? :( You're so worried all the time that your quality life is literally suffering more than if you actually had one of your imaginary ailments. I hope you find the inner fortitude to treat the illness you do have.

Positive thoughts

09-09-17, 23:33
It was fish pose, where you let your head drop back.

Fishmanpa does that pose too. Good for his gills, you see :wacko:

Status: Heard it all

09-09-17, 23:59
I'm sure you'll be fine, but people need to be careful of poses like fish or cobra that hyperextend the neck, as well as those that put pressure on the cervical spine (shoulder stands etc). Any decent yoga teacher knows this.

10-09-17, 15:52
I'm going to take it easy from now on in yoga. But should I go to ER preemptively to just check if I could have a stroke from this? My neck is so sore.

10-09-17, 15:58
If you want to waste everyone's time, I'd definitely go to the ER. I'm sure they'll be delighted to see you.

On the other hand, if you'd rather leave the ER available to genuine emergencies, I'd stay away.

It's up to you.

10-09-17, 15:59
I'm going to take it easy from now on in yoga. But should I go to ER preemptively to just check if I could have a stroke from this? My neck is so sore.

I don't think so. Your neck is just "sore", not broken. You would know by now if you'd caused the sort of injury for a stroke to occur.