View Full Version : Ticks? Bugs?

10-09-17, 00:29
Hi Everyone,

Went to a BBQ for work at a conservation area. When I got home, I had a can of pop in my purse, I took it out and on the top was what looked to me a tick. So I immediately killed it with a Kleenex. But then my panic set in, are there anymore? Any on my son? So, I then changed my clothes and showered, changed my sons clothes and showered him. Put all clothes in the washing machine, and vacuumed. Is there anything else I can do to make sure there are no more? I also emptied my purse twice and wiped it down. I plan on checking myself and my son for the next few days. Anything else I should do?

10-09-17, 01:01
It was probably just the one errant critter, but you did the right thing in cleaning and changing clothes etc. I don't think there is much more you can do and shouldn't be worried unless you notice any bites/marks, which TBH you would have seen by now.

10-09-17, 01:03
That's what I'm thinking. I will do another good vacuum tomorrow to be on the safe side. And keep checking myself and my son. It startled me. I keep thinking what if I had not seen it.