View Full Version : Cervical/ovarian cancer??

10-09-17, 03:26
Okay guys so my mind is going crazy right now. Randomly, I woke up and I had this pain that only occurred when you touch the top part of my *you know*. It only hurt when you lightly poked that certain area.. and it's been almost a week and now I have soreness there and still the pain only when you touch it... does this sound like a tumor? Or maybe I hit that area without knowing it? I know this question might be pointless but I'm just super scared since I haven't had my gardasil shot yet. Thanks guys

10-09-17, 05:22
I'm a bit confused on where it actually is? I want to give you advice but I can't as I am a bit confused thinking of many *you know* parts!

10-09-17, 05:53
Sorry! So I'm a female but when I talk about my genital area, it's the absolute top of it and not like inside

10-09-17, 17:38
Hello, I think maybe you could have a little bang there or maybe a spot under the skin I don't think cancer would present itself from just touch, ovarian cancer doesn't have many symptoms and same with cervical you would feel it from the inside not the touch :)

10-09-17, 17:51

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

11-09-17, 02:43
Hi there worriedsickxo,

Thank you! :) I didn't think of that but it makes perfect sense.