View Full Version : Currently convinced I'm dying of some horrific ailment

10-09-17, 08:35
So, Tuesday was the first day of school. The day it all started. I was nervous about it, but wasn't expecting all these symptoms going along with it. My sleep schedule was messed up because I was on the summer sleeping schedule of staying up all night and sleeping all day, so I got barely any sleep the night before.
On the first day, I noticed that when I would go down stairs, my legs would shake. I'm pretty sure it was noticeable to others. I was also incredibly tired, but I attributed this to only getting around 2 hours of sleep the night before.
The shaking when going down stairs continued the next day. It was at the same intensity even though I was no longer anxious. It continued throughout the week, and I developed a pain in my right calf, which I was convinced was a blood clot.
The extreme fatigue continued despite getting enough sleep. I noticed a bit of an increase in thirst this week as well.
My legs feel weak, my legs are very shaky when going down stairs, my arms are shaky if I try to hold them up and keep them still, and I'm tired beyond belief. I got 12+ hours of sleep today and never at any point felt refreshed or well rested. It feels like I haven't slept in days, but I've been getting enough sleep!
Some conditions I've been worrying about:
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Blood clot (DVT)
Multiple sclerosis
Guillain-Barré syndrome
As well as a bunch of other things. Someone please help me think this through...I think it's unlikely that anxiety alone can cause such severe symptoms.