View Full Version : my pupils are dilating and contracting, pls help :-(

10-09-17, 18:33
hello, i am afraid of a brain tumour, principally

i am 16 years old and a hypochondriac.
3 days ago whilst reading in bed, i noticed a phenomena like tv static, and when i woke up my pupils were contracting and dilating. the static has remained with me since, but i do not notice it when outside or relaxed.

sometimes the pupils seem to be still and it is aggravated when the room is brightly lit. i usually notice it in my right eye, in which i am short-sighted. i have recently started to wear glasses.

i had a full blood test two months ago and an eye test just over a month ago, all was well.

pls help :-(

10-09-17, 18:51
You've said it yourself, you're a hypochondriac. And you've had tests that prove all is well. Your pupils aren't doing anything out of the ordinary.

You're only 16. Are you getting any help with your anxiety?

10-09-17, 19:16
i'm so worried about my pupils at the moment too because they are different sizes. i have also noticed my pupils sometimes seem to be pulsing, like getting bigger and smaller as i'm looking at them. i'm terrified of a brain tumour but i've noticed this dilating and constricting thing happens when i am more anxious and stressed, so yours is probably due to anxiety and stress especially because we are hypochondriacs.