View Full Version : Explain your reflux

10-09-17, 18:50
I know this sounds off but I want to compare for peace in mind. When I get reflux, my throats goes really light, like air bubbles are trapped inside it. My chest feels like there's something stuck in it and I feel the need to constant suck air in to get air out. My chest also bubbles and it sometimes feels like my hearts beating really hard and I get to a point where i feel like I. Can't take a deep breath. I get a croaky voice too and constantly belch. I just wonder sometimes with the heart pounding randomly
If it is actually reflux or palpitations makin me feel like this

10-09-17, 18:55
In the nicest possible way, what is the point of this thread? Can you see how it's just another way of framing your reassurance seeking behaviour?

Acid reflux is so horrible, but it's so common. Wouldn't time be better spent making some changes that could potentially help and of course talking to your doctor about it?

Please know I'm not having a go at you here. Or maybe I am. I just don't feel that this thread will be of any help to you, and I bet deep down you know that too.

From one acid reflux sufferer to another.

10-09-17, 18:57
You know what. You're absolutely right. Thanks. I did it realise that...

10-09-17, 19:07
Please don't think I'm trying to stop you posting or seeking help and advice. Anxiety is a lonely place. At my worst, I was spending all day alone in my room in a house I shared with people who made me feel very unhappy. I had friends and a job I loved, but my mind convinced me to keep away from them and stay glued to my bed. So I understand the motivation to reach out online. It's what brought me here on the first place.

I just also recognise how futile reassurance generally is. Don't get me wrong, it has its place. But of you don't add any reassurance you get to your armour, and if you keep repeating the same cycles and the same mistakes, you won't get better. Recovery from anxiety is about a wholesale change in our behaviour. We make these changes over time, but they can be very effective. Life changing even.

Trust me when I say that reflux is not worth ruining your life over.