View Full Version : Anxiety taking over. Left upper quad pain

10-09-17, 19:01
Hi All,

I'm 28 years old (Male) and I'm glad I have found this forum and I'm not really sure what I want to get from being here. Maybe some reassurance, maybe some people in a similar situation. Just something to ease my mind.

I visited the doctor in January of this year. My symptoms were:

- Discomfort and a feeling or fullness or pressure in upper left quadrant (under left ribs about half way down the rib cage after it has separated from the sternum). Particularly after eating. This feeling 'sometimes' relieved by passing wind or a bowel movement.
- The discomfort is greatest when sitting down. Leaning to my right often alleviates the discomfort.
- Change in bowel habits. Originally I was constipated. Then I had diarrhoea. Swapping and changing.
- My bowel frequency was at about 3-5 times a day. As opposed to 1-2.
- I never have any other abdominal pains or discomfort apart from my upper left side.

The first Doctor just ruled IBS straight away and gave me Fybogel. So I went away, tried changing my eating habits and to no avail. This discomfort on my left side would not go but bowels were better.

I went back a month later and saw another Doctor. He too was still adamant it was IBS and told me to take Buscopan.

Two months later, another Doctor said due to location he believed it was splenic flexure syndrome.

A few months later I now visit a doctor who believed the position of my pain was too high for this.

I had blood tests and stool samples done. I've also had a chest x-ray and nothing untoward has come up.

In between these times I was experiencing very bad acid reflux on and off and sometimes had back pain on my upper left side near the shoulder blade. I also had a stag night for a friend and ended up drinking too much alcohol and was vomiting up food and blood. The next day the discomfort was quite prominent. I'm rarely drink and do not smoke.

I then did the worst thing I could have done and started googling and now believe it is something pancreas related. 3 of my family members were diagnosed with cancer 6 months ago and now I'm worried I have something too. For the past few months I have been suffering from very bad health anxiety and stress. My appetite has been on/off. I've been feeling depressed and tired at work all the time.

Has anyone had these similar issues? Am I simply overreacting? Is the location of my pain typical of IBS/Splenic Flexure? I have finally got an appointment for a CT scan to see if it is anything but the wait is destroying me and I can only concentrate on this issue. I've never suffered from anxiety before and so this has become difficult to manage.

10-09-17, 19:09
If you had a problem with your pancreas you would be jaundiced and prob feel like crap. It does sound like IBS to me, and I have exactly the same symptoms, and it comes and goes

11-09-17, 05:36
I have the same symptoms. IBS. :(

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11-09-17, 14:54
I feel for you. I am dealing with the same for last couple weeks. The ache sets off my anxiety more. Mine in upper shoulder and chest too. I know it gas. Had it before. It gets trapped and doesnt want to move. Hang in there. Your not alone.

21-09-17, 17:39
Hi jambo123. Hope your feeling better. I know we worry about the aches and pains. I too was dealing what you were feeling. Last two days I'm better. I realized I was doing things I normally dont do and was from that. Even though it was a couple of weeks it took my body a while to heal and feel better. Hang in there. Try not to have the anxiety take over. It is a nasty thing.

06-10-17, 23:37
Started again with same pain. Didnt have a couple weeks. Seems when i cut grass and lift. Maybe pulled muscle or inflamed. Anxiety high. Lost good friend last week. Sad. Young.

07-10-17, 13:16
I have IBS and I have pains there and everywhere else. Could you ask the dr to put you on some omeprazole incase its acid related? Have you tried gaviscon/Pepto for a few days?

You mind could be 100% carrying the pain on, too. I had weird liver function results once and convinced myself it was hepatitis (it wasn't). What happened? Within days I had a sharp pain exactly where my liver was. Lasted a LONG time and took about a month to disappear after my next set of liver results came back normal.
I had a ct scan about 5 years later and it showed something on my liver. Again, what happened? Sharp pain in my liver area that was there for a month or so, until the specialist said it was nothing to worry about.

I don't know how the mind creates pain like this but it does. I have to remind myself of this. Trust that the numerous doctors you've seen aren't worried and have a 'so what' attitude about it and it will soon go away.

07-10-17, 18:52
Thanks daisy flower you could be right. Last time took gavison and it did did go away. Been using ginger and it helps. Just seems weird acts up when i lift things too. My mind doesnt let me relax. It goes in my left shoulder and arm pit and arm. Unless the gas just pushes on a nerve. When i burp does feel better. I just have to calm my mind as you said. Glad your test ok. Boy our minds are powerful. Thanks.

17-12-17, 00:42
Jambo123, did you ever get settled on a diagnosis? Having the same symptoms, pretty much to a tee...

10-02-18, 04:13
I have been suffering from many of the same symptoms. I am also dealing with kidney issues and blood pressure, but i think it is unrelated. Any updates or a diagnosis other then ibs?

12-02-18, 10:35
Hey Jambo how are you?

It sounds like you're going through a stressful time and I wouldn't be surprised if that was having an effect on your health.

How are things now? I too have similar issues, I flit between diarrhea and constipation. Sometimes get a bit of pain. For trapped wind I use Deflatin, they work really well. Also hot water helps me (when I remember to make it!)

Hope you're ok