View Full Version : Acute closed angle glaucoma fear help

06-09-17, 10:53
Iv had ongoing problems with right eye pain ect
Past week I started getting a silver flash in far corner of eye I ignored it then got worried I went optician he sent me to eye casualty to rule our. A retina problem they didn't find anything now I'm hysterical I'm terrified I feel constantly sick and dizzy constant headaches I'm so scared it brain related I asked eye casualty if o should go a n e they said no just see gp but I'm terrified I have hemangioma of the skull bone and a birthmark the same side :( scared of strokes I get pain same side neck worried blocked artery tumours even tho had ct in may I suffer lupus anticoagulant but not bad enough to need thinners

06-09-17, 11:17
Clearly you know way too much as you're talking about things I've never even heard of.

Let's rationalise for a second - what do you think the doctors have done? Do you believe they were negligent? Do you believe they aren't well trained enough? Do you believe they're trying to get themselves struck off?

If none of the above, it's time to focus on what they told you and to start working with that.

06-09-17, 11:28
what do you mean?
hemangioma --- i have its a large cluster of abnormal blood vessels on my skull bone
birtmark--- on outer skin of for head
lupus anti coag -- is a coagulation problem i have

no i dont think they negligent my concern is they said they can only rule out a problem in the eye im panicking its a problem in my brain

Gary A
06-09-17, 11:33
what do you mean?
hemangioma --- i have its a large cluster of abnormal blood vessels on my skull bone
birtmark--- on outer skin of for head
lupus anti coag -- is a coagulation problem i have

no i dont think they negligent my concern is they said they can only rule out a problem in the eye im panicking its a problem in my brain

A problem in the brain would affect both eyes, as the neuro fibres from both eyes cross over at a point in the brain called the optic chaism. Typically, brain issues that affect vision cause dramatic visual field defects in both eyes, flashes of light in the periphery of one eye is very highly unlikely to be caused by an issue within the brain.

This may simply be a symptom of your anxiety, caused by constantly expanding pupils which is one of the primary mechanisms of the fight or flight response.

06-09-17, 11:34
I mean, it's a pointer to the extent of someone's anxiety when they start creaking out about things I've not heard of!

What did your GP say about it? Have they suggested referral?

I experienced flashing and flickering in my vision when I was anxious. I also had what I would describe as "visual snow". I'm still here and it's gone away.

06-09-17, 12:08
thank you gary reasuring
and server error not seen gp yet got app later today thankfully iv never really had problems with things in eyes it been days i did ok ignoring to start but it is horrible jsut white flashes every now and then

06-09-17, 17:48
Just want them to stop so I can stop worrying seeing gp didn't help

06-09-17, 18:02
What did the GP say? Preumably they've told you it's nothing to worry about?

You can't make it go away by wishing. Worrying about it is a surefire way to keep it going. If you've been told it's nothing to worry about, that's your starting point. These things do go away in time.

07-09-17, 09:04
he said he believes it migraine
i want to believe him it just happend for a week now
now got metal taste in mouth and feel constantly sick

believe it or not this is actually an improvement for me at my worst id attend a n e upto 4 times a week! i dont attend a n e anymore unless sent by gp or im literally out of control and that more for emergency mental health help rather then medical

i dont want to come across as an idiot im not im just very very scared
these are symptoms iv never experienced before and it terryfying

07-09-17, 16:55
argh so anoyed went all day with no flashes just headache to get them starting again tonight

07-09-17, 17:18
argh so anoyed went all day with no flashes just headache to get them starting again tonight

So wouldn't that back up what the doctor said?

Positive thoughts

07-09-17, 17:22
what do you mean

07-09-17, 17:43
what do you mean

he said he believes it migraine

Migraines can cause visual anomalies.

Positive thoughts

08-09-17, 10:00
Iv not slept awake all night convinced il find out it tumour and die symptoms flashes in side eye one eye headaches dizziness nausea smells strong metal taste to mouth
Trying to tell myself
Nobody else seems worried
I had ct scan in may for different reason
Presuming stuff like tumours just don't appear

08-09-17, 10:06
If nobody else seems worried, it's because there's nothing to worry about.

Gary A
08-09-17, 10:08
Iv not slept awake all night convinced il find out it tumour and die symptoms flashes in side eye one eye headaches dizziness nausea smells strong metal taste to mouth
Trying to tell myself
Nobody else seems worried
I had ct scan in may for different reason
Presuming stuff like tumours just don't appear

Each and every one of those symptoms are consistent with migraines. Why can't you at least try to accept what you're being told? I told you the other day that a problem within the brain would produce symptoms in both eyes. You told me it was "reassuring" then went to your doctor who told you it was migraines.

You've had a CT scan only a few months ago that was, presumably, clear. What else are you wanting here, seriously? None of your symptoms point to a brain tumour, they point directly at what your doctor has advised.

08-09-17, 11:27
but from what i been told migraines cause visual abnormalities in both eyes
i spoke to the eye doc again and they kept saying you need to push your gp to look into a different cause which has worried me more
i know u all probly want to kick me im just terrified and mentally screwed
yes ct in may came back ok from what i was told it wasnt to check for anything like that but pretty sure theyd of said
iv never suffered this before all the symptoms are awful
and i didnt know it coud last this long
im truly sorry if i am anoying

Gary A
08-09-17, 11:39
but from what i been told migraines cause visual abnormalities in both eyes
i spoke to the eye doc again and they kept saying you need to push your gp to look into a different cause which has worried me more
i know u all probly want to kick me im just terrified and mentally screwed
yes ct in may came back ok from what i was told it wasnt to check for anything like that but pretty sure theyd of said
iv never suffered this before all the symptoms are awful
and i didnt know it coud last this long
im truly sorry if i am anoying

Retinal and optic migraines cause symptoms in one eye. Do you see your failure in logic here? You're willing to accept that migraines, which arise from the brain, cause symptoms in both eyes but unwilling to accept that a brain tumour causes symptoms in both eyes? Do you notice that?

Do you not see how you're warping logic in order to keep your worry alive?

08-09-17, 11:57
i wasnt aware tumours had to cause problems in both eyes
it is my own fault when this started i wasnt worried then i googled
it just said my type of flash meant retinal tear - t.i.a (stroke) tumours

i honestly hand on heart dont understand why i cant go with miagraine theory it just feels like surely a miagraine doesnt last this long

Gary A
08-09-17, 13:04
i wasnt aware tumours had to cause problems in both eyes
it is my own fault when this started i wasnt worried then i googled
it just said my type of flash meant retinal tear - t.i.a (stroke) tumours

i honestly hand on heart dont understand why i cant go with miagraine theory it just feels like surely a miagraine doesnt last this long

It's not about tumours causing problems in both eyes, it's about how your brain operates in conjunction with your eyes. Migraines that originate in the brain cause problems in both eyes for the same reason a tumour within the brain would cause a problem with both eyes.

This is because the neuro fibres from your eyes meet at the front of the brain called the optic chaism. If, for instance, you had a tumour in the right hand side of your brain, then the symptoms would produce symptoms on the left hand side of your body. This is true for everything except your eyes.

The optic nerves leave the back of your eyes then become, for want of a better word, entangled at the optic chaism. So a fault on the left of your brain would produce symptoms in your right peripheral vision and your left nasal vision. If the fault is on the right of your brain the symptoms would be seen in your left peripheral vision and your right nasal vision.

The optic fibres need to cross over so that your brain can process two different images from each eye. If they didn't cross over then you'd have constant double vision.

The exact same is true for migraines, which are simply spasms of the brain. Retinal and ocular migraines cause symptoms in one eye because the spasm is actually happening with the eye or the optic disc, not the brain itself.

I realise this is a bit confusing but it's a rule of thumb that brain problems cause visual deficits in both eyes. Anything in one eye is either a fault within the eye itself or simply a psychological visual phenomena.

08-09-17, 13:57
Oh wow well optician at eye casualty seemed to think eyes were okay o just hate new symptoms I'm evening worrying incase he missed something even on here if I look up eye flashes most of them turned out to have torn retina but then In symptoms page says flashes can be anxiety I don't think iv ever been this bad I appreciate you taking time to respond to me

08-09-17, 14:11
A torn retina is a medical emergency. If there was something wrong with your retina, you would know it. You wouldn't be on here.

08-09-17, 16:35
oh thats what they originally thought the flashing was but had dilated eye exam prior to this i didnt even know what any of this was thank you for your responses it is actually helping me get threw the daay

---------- Post added at 16:35 ---------- Previous post was at 14:19 ----------

now worried might be bleed on brain or stroke
metalic taste in mouth no apetite :( i hate me

08-09-17, 16:37
People with brain bleeds or having strokes don't sit on anxiety forums worrying about it. These are also medical emergencies. You'd be very ill right now if this was the case. It's just your anxiety moving on because we've absolutely clobbered your other fear with rationality.

08-09-17, 16:42
hehe i like the way you put things i just feel like 'im on one' as i put it itl stay this way until it decides to do one iv had it simular before then i suddenly wake up ok
i wish there was a quick way to feel less scared im 100% sure something is wrong but i dont know what :(

08-09-17, 17:00
I know what's wrong with you! So do the doctors, and they're the ones to trust.

Don't waste your time wishing things were different. It certainly is possible to worry less and react differently. But it doesn't happen overnight, so wishing it would fobis s complete waste of time and energy. It'll just make you feel worse. But with time and practice, things can get better. Then you'll look back and wonder what you were doing.

08-09-17, 17:04
it anoying because the majority of this year iv been in a better place in comparison to a year ago when i sectioned myself but i think thats why now i struggle to believe im wrong because 'i think'im coping so much better
it anoying because il start to accept im okay but then ten mins later im freaking out about the brain tumour i dont have and wether itl make me forget how to breathe or something
itjust so many symptoms at onceand they can all be contributed to anxiety i guess but then i think hey but youve never had flashes in your eye before its crazy

08-09-17, 17:06
See my post above. Annoyance is another waste of time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you have to like anxiety. I'm just saying to give yourself a break. Being annoyed with yourself or the situation will achieve nothing, just as wishing everything would change in an instant achieves nothing. When you feel these emotions, use them to your advantage by motivating yourself to beat it.

08-09-17, 17:24
Guessing you have good handle on your anxiety?
My problem is overcoming the what if ...what if it is something bad I worry trying to accept it will put me in danger if that makes sense it one thing iv never been able to accept it's why cbt not really worked on me

08-09-17, 17:49
Have a look at some of my earliest posts. I was a mess. It's not a competition, but if it was, I reckon I was worse than you are now! And I got better.

CBT is not a magic wand. It can't make it all just go away. Especially as what we getvon the NHS is such a limited form. I personally feel that, in some cases, expecting CBT to cure you outright will hold you back, because when it doesn't, you'll react by assuming it doesn't work.

It's about attitude and how you approach it. I always say to be as open as possible with your therapist to give them the best chance to help you. Be open if you feel it isn't working. I was pretty clear with my therapist last year about what was helpful and what wasn't. I've actually just started a new course of CBT with a therapist for issues unrelated to health anxiety, and I've told my therapist absolutely everything about myself and my situation.

All anxiety sufferers are battling the "what if" thoughts. The problem is that, if you let them rule your life, you're esssntially being harmed by the disease you fear anyway. Just not in the way you think you are.

08-09-17, 18:49
Oh no sorry I didn't mean anything by what I said I just wish I was as level headed as you are the way you think is where I strive to get too my local mental health aren't very nice My cbt was never cbt if anything all we spoke about was my therapists family health I did try to point this out but they said I'm ungrateful which wasn't the case I waited theee years I was grateful to see anyone was just little disapointed I try online cbt but it's not as effective I presume
What you said about being harmed but not in way you think is so true
Tonight I'm calmer then I was but it's like waves my head is so painful ...in my eyes ... doesn't sound like a miagraine at all lmao I'm still really scared but trying to break it down started as just dizziness then flashes then I got anxious and everything else started since it scares me to think logically sometimes incase I'm wrong lol

09-09-17, 20:47
Ended up in a n e all day refused to examine me because doc seen me before and knows I suffer anxiety saw emergency mental health :(

09-09-17, 21:02
I'm glad you got to see a mental health professional. I hope you continue to do so.

Positive thoughts

10-09-17, 10:48
Iv had ongoing problems with right eye pain ect
Past week I started getting a silver flash in far corner of eye I ignored it then got worried I went optician he sent me to eye casualty to rule our. A retina problem they didn't find anything now I'm hysterical I'm terrified I feel constantly sick and dizzy constant headaches I'm so scared it brain related I asked eye casualty if o should go a n e they said no just see gp but I'm terrified I have hemangioma of the skull bone and a birthmark the same side :( scared of strokes I get pain same side neck worried blocked artery tumours even tho had ct in may I suffer lupus anticoagulant but not bad enough to need thinners

Sounds like a migraine aura.
I get them occaisionally.
Annoying with that shimmering in your vision but harmless.
Paracetamol cures it for me.

10-09-17, 20:08
Had problem with eye for week flashes and things
Had drops yesterday got bad headache all day today now pain in both eyes freaking out its acute glaucoma I rang eye clinic they said it didn't sound like that t I'm terrified I'm scared to sleep incase I wake blind helllpppp

10-09-17, 20:16
That's a very painful condition. You would know

10-09-17, 20:33

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


11-09-17, 19:11
oh thank you that was helpful im still on one!
when i had drops i had them tue and sat but sat they put them in twice not sure if they was meant to
basically had constant headache since went optician today he couldnt see anything but said it could be too many drops
so now im scared il go blind
im scared where drops went down throat it caused high bp and il die
im under crisis team now but i see them for 10 mins during day so not really helping at mo

---------- Post added at 19:11 ---------- Previous post was at 16:22 ----------

Does anyone know if you can have the drops too much scared il go blind