View Full Version : Hi everyone

10-06-07, 09:39
My names Ang and I'm from the South in the Uk.
I've been suffering with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember.

It came to a head a few days ago when I couldn't even face getting out of bed :weep:
I eventually went to see my doctor who has put me back onto Anti Depressants and I'm waiting to hear back about therapy or counselling.

I'm 29 and I remember feeling bad when I was 16. I left school (which I hated) and then sat in my room for 2 months refusing to leave the house.

Every morning is a battle for me to get up and go to work. I have a good job which I enjoy but i have a constant fear of messing up. I also have a feeling of impending dread like something bad is gonna happen.

I also get paranoid. Like people are talking about me. If I'm in a group situation I think people are looking at me thinking how ugly I am and that i'm wierd or something!

I know deep down that my fears are irrational but I find it hard to break the cycle and all the negative thoughts I have.
But saying that, I'm determined to do it. I'm determined to get help and live a normal life.

It's nice to find this site and maybe chat with a few people who feel as I do.

10-06-07, 09:47
Hiya Tigger

Welcome to the forum.

You are doing great, managing to work while feeling so awful, it shows how strong you are :)



10-06-07, 10:12
hi tiggeriffic,

just finding you are not alone can be a huge relief? so im glad youve found this site.

sometimes the negativity gets so out of control that we cant actually 'see' that we are acheiving things all the time, remember that you ARE working and by the sounds of it you are socialising, so maybe you can try to work on what youve got, by thinking about what you are doing.

for some of us we have avoided the things that you are still doing but have made ourselves worse by doing that. it is much harder to start again. find ways of managing your thoughts and reactions and you will start to get better, maybe get a private cbt tharapist?

hang in there


10-06-07, 10:46
Hi Tigger

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.




10-06-07, 12:59

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

10-06-07, 15:58

Welcome to NMP. Just your determination will help you so much. You will find many here who feel just like you do.


10-06-07, 17:05
Thanks everyone, your so kind :)

I'm so glad I've found this place. A friend recommended it to me, she said it really helped her.

Thanks for the encouraging posts. I never ever think I'm strong, I guess I am a bit by just getting up in the morning and going to work.
I'll try to hold onto that thought.

I'll keep everyone posted on my progress.
Many thanks xxx

10-06-07, 17:13
welcome tiggeriffic,
im sure you will find alot who can relate, but you are a strong person anyone who deals with this is strong we dont think we are but we are, we do what we have to do even when feeling bad..keep up the good work........best to ya...........linda xx

10-06-07, 19:23
Hi Ang,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
11-06-07, 15:12
hi and welcome to the site, you will find a lot of good advice and support here and make many friends along the way. hope to talk soon, take kare xxxxxx

11-06-07, 17:13
Hi Ang and :welcome:

I'm glad you're already finding the site useful, it's certainly a brilliant place to be and you'll meet loads of new friends. Well done for going to work as it's a huge achievement to keep going when feeling awful. The strength and determination you have will help you come through this.

Take care,

11-06-07, 19:22
Hi and welcome :)


11-06-07, 21:06
Hi Ang

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here. Hope we can be of some help.

11-06-07, 21:36
Hello Ang, :welcome:to you!

Yep, you are indeed a strong person.......please to meet you!

Plenty of help and support here!

Pleased to meet you!


funky chick
11-06-07, 21:52
hi Ang and welcome and well done managing to work, you are doing well take care love Gail xxxx:hugs: