View Full Version : Question: axillary (underarm) lymph nodes

11-09-17, 08:15
I know there are a few here who know a bit about lymph nodes so was just wondering if it's normal to be able to feel the ones next to the armpit (pectoral, I guess!) even if they're not swollen? Should you assume they're swollen because you feel them? I have a right one enlarged I'm getting checked out soon when my clinic appointment comes through but I can feel the one in the same place by left armpit now too! It doesn't feel more than say 1cm but it's there close to the skin.. should I be worried by this? I think I have some inflammation in my chest wall and reflux at the moment..would that make me able to feel my armpit nodes? Can't feel any others, just these 2 in the same place both sides!

12-09-17, 19:26
Anyone? Forgot to mention in my previous post I had MRSA in the past, which left me with boils for nearly 3 years as well as an abcess in my side. This was after the birth of my son :( I was pretty run down in that time and the boils sent me running to the hospital/docs for antibiotics because of the fever and blocks of swelling in my legs. Is it possible that my lymph node is swollen because it's fighting some sort of bacteria I can't see? Or maybe it's still messed up from my 3 years of MRSA hell and I'm only just feeling it now since I lost weight and don't have as much fat in the way? Should I be concerned about one swollen node? It seems to have gone down and be less painful, but then other days feels slightly enlarged again. Noticed it for the last month or so..

12-09-17, 19:44
We have 400-600 lymph nodes in our bodies. At any given point, if you poke and prod enough, you'll feel some.

Positive thoughts

12-09-17, 20:56
We have 400-600 lymph nodes in our bodies. At any given point, if you poke and prod enough, you'll feel some.

Positive thoughts

I just always thought you shouldn't be able to feel them... but that's good to know :) Doctor said it was 'reactive', but all my bloods came back normal.. My fear is the C word of course! The node is no wider than a fingertip so perhaps 1cm at a guess..

12-09-17, 22:19
I have axillary nodes on each side that are palpable. I had them monitored for about 2.5 years, as in ultrasounds every 3-6 months as per the doctor. The left one is enlarged, the right one is not. The left one, you can visibly see with the eye and there is a lot of swelling on that side, the right is normal. THe ultrasounds always found normal lymph nodes.

THe bad side was biopsied eventually and found the be normal. BUt, they have been palpable and the left enlarged for over 4 years.

I do find myself focusing on them sometimes and am wanting to revisit them since its been about 2 years since they were last checked.

BUt, IME, sometimes you can feel them.

12-09-17, 22:28
I have axillary nodes on each side that are palpable. I had them monitored for about 2.5 years, as in ultrasounds every 3-6 months as per the doctor. The left one is enlarged, the right one is not. The left one, you can visibly see with the eye and there is a lot of swelling on that side, the right is normal. THe ultrasounds always found normal lymph nodes.

THe bad side was biopsied eventually and found the be normal. BUt, they have been palpable and the left enlarged for over 4 years.

I do find myself focusing on them sometimes and am wanting to revisit them since its been about 2 years since they were last checked.

BUt, IME, sometimes you can feel them.

You've just made me feel tons better.. thank you! Google is all doom and gloom about anything armpit lump related. :doh: So if yours have been enlarged all this time I guess it can just happen with no apparent reason for it! The one I can feel seems so big to me.. but probably is just my anxious mind! :blush: The reason I'm stressing is the right side apparently drains the breasts so I'm instantly thinking my body has found something nasty in that area.. :scared15: I'll try to think positively before my ultrasound!

13-09-17, 01:23
Glad to hear it, Strug, and definitely think positive!!

13-09-17, 16:27
Well today I decided to do a class at the gym that involves a barbell (only 5kg) and lots of twisting and swinging of said barbell. After the first set of exercises... MY GOD the pain radiating from the swollen gland! Then my whole armpit joined in, along with the right front side of my chest and my shoulder too! I've been doing this class for a year and never felt like this before so I'm wondering if the lump is perhaps not a gland and something to do with my muscle. Then I feel it again and it's like a gland.. UGH... It seemed a lot bigger after the class too.. Roll on my scan so I can finally get answers!

14-09-17, 18:22
Sorry, another question.. Can lymph nodes move? When I first found this lump I had to press right into the skin to actually feel it and even the doctor didn't get it first time she tried looking. It's not bigger as such but feels like it's now closer to the surface of the skin because I could feel it through my jacket earlier today! Still a little tender, but feels like it's far more prominent, but the same size...if that makes any sense? I thought glands generally stayed in the same place? I have a history of fibroadenomas from the age of 18/19 so wondering if perhaps it's not actually a gland after all..

14-09-17, 19:18
Sorry, another question.. Can lymph nodes move? When I first found this lump I had to press right into the skin to actually feel it and even the doctor didn't get it first time she tried looking. It's not bigger as such but feels like it's now closer to the surface of the skin because I could feel it through my jacket earlier today! Still a little tender, but feels like it's far more prominent, but the same size...if that makes any sense? I thought glands generally stayed in the same place? I have a history of fibroadenomas from the age of 18/19 so wondering if perhaps it's not actually a gland after all..

Lymph nodes can move, and that's probably a sign it's a normal node doing its job ;) I think they move when you press them. Not sure about moving in a totally different place, and if it's more to the skin you're probably prodding to much :roflmao: leave it alone !! Xxx

14-09-17, 19:51
This node...if it even is...seems to have mind of its own! :) One day you have to really feel around for it and the next it's right under the skin, really noticeable.. It's still tender and moves away when you press against it. I thought they pretty much stayed in the same place.. :blush: Trying not to prod...too much...:doh: It's been 4 weeks.. xxx

14-09-17, 19:51
The term "mobile" refers to it being movable within the area it's located. They're not attached to anything solid when healthy.

As I said, we have 400-600 nodes in our bodies. They range in size from a BB to up to 2cm and all are considered healthy. They're the body's sewer system and if they swell, it's typically in reaction to a stimulus (like poking and prodding) or a bacterial/viral infection. Heck they can swell if you have a zit near one!

Positive thoughts

14-09-17, 20:34
The term "mobile" refers to it being movable within the area it's located. They're not attached to anything solid when healthy.

As I said, we have 400-600 nodes in our bodies. They range in size from a BB to up to 2cm and all are considered healthy. They're the body's sewer system and if they swell, it's typically in reaction to a stimulus (like poking and prodding) or a bacterial/viral infection. Heck they can swell if you have a zit near one!

Positive thoughts

Oh, that is very reassuring...the fact it doesn't seem attached as such and can be felt higher and lower within the area of skin :) Maybe it is just more noticeable for some reason.. It could have even been like it since I battled MRSA for the best part of 3 years in the past and never returned to 'normal'...although from the sounds of it, it's within the right size range anyway! I will stop the proddding.. :yesyes:

15-09-17, 09:17
This gland is driving me crazy I swear! It's smaller again this morning than last night, but closer to the skin...very mobile and tender still. Found a bump under my armpit last night that is round a hair follicle. Doesn't look infected as such but is very sore. Been like it about 3 weeks, think the two are related? It's like a random thicker hair coming from it and armpit feels sore around it but not particularly swollen. I'm worried that the lump seems to have moved and feels more prominent, though not really any bigger than 4 weeks ago..

15-09-17, 13:16
I am currently having armpit pain in the right one and it's bothersome as heck!! I've had it off and on for almost a year now. I had breast cancer almost five years ago which was on the right side, so my worry is of course BC metastasis, but I've had my PCP check it and she didn't feel any nodes and my Oncologist also didn't feel anything and he's checked it twice! I'm wondering if it's just become sensitive to shaving irritation or something. Anyway, I assume yours is due to the irritated hair follicle. I'm not a doctor of course so I can't diagnose. Just wanted to tell you you're not alone.

15-09-17, 15:56
I can see exactly why you'd be worried about pain! I'm sure if you've had your nodes felt and checked it has to be shaving :) I'm trying not to do it every day like I normally do and use an aluminium free deodorant but nothing has worked yet.. how often do you shave? It could well be irritated follicles but not enough to show an infection.. Thank you for adding to the post and hope you get some answers soon too!

15-09-17, 16:42
I am currently having armpit pain in the right one and it's bothersome as heck!! I've had it off and on for almost a year now. I had breast cancer almost five years ago which was on the right side, so my worry is of course BC metastasis, but I've had my PCP check it and she didn't feel any nodes and my Oncologist also didn't feel anything and he's checked it twice! I'm wondering if it's just become sensitive to shaving irritation or something. Anyway, I assume yours is due to the irritated hair follicle. I'm not a doctor of course so I can't diagnose. Just wanted to tell you you're not alone.

I get underarm pain on both sides, but it switches. Pains in the breast are oftentimes hormonal. Don't know if you've entered menopause, but I would imagine just normal hormonal changes are causing this for you. I had an upsurge in breast pain in my late 30s, I think my hormones were just changing at that time, as they are now that I'm in my mid-40s. I hate it, but what can you do??

15-09-17, 18:45
I get underarm pain on both sides, but it switches. Pains in the breast are oftentimes hormonal. Don't know if you've entered menopause, but I would imagine just normal hormonal changes are causing this for you. I had an upsurge in breast pain in my late 30s, I think my hormones were just changing at that time, as they are now that I'm in my mid-40s. I hate it, but what can you do??

I'm 34, so I guess it is possible that hormones could be going a bit crazy now and causing problems with pain and tenderness! :blush: It always ties in with my cycle, only this armpit pain I'm having is definitely the lump! I did a class Wednesday that I've been doing for a year and the whole area hurt, including the right side of my chest and shoulder...didn't think a silly little node could cause so much grief! :lac: The pain did go, but it's always there in the background anyway lately, which reassures me too that when I found it, it probably wasn't there long because I did that class first week of August and felt normal, no pain :) I guess it's something us women just have to go through, random pains with no reason for them!

15-09-17, 19:28
Thestruggle, I normally shave everyday, but sometimes I'll skip a day or two. Also, just as a side note, aluminum free deodorants irritate the heck out of my pits, so I have to use antiperspirant/deodorant. I asked my Oncologist if it was true that deodorant with aluminum caused breast cancer he said NO absolutely not! That's a false claim. So don't believe everything you read about that stuff.
Nervus, I don't have breasts because I had a double mastectomy, and I'm actually in menopause from the chemo I received for breast cancer treatment. I'll have a period every now in then though so I can't say I'm in full blown menopause yet. Treatment leaves you with all sorts of side effects but it's better than the alternative!

16-09-17, 00:20
Thestruggle, I normally shave everyday, but sometimes I'll skip a day or two. Also, just as a side note, aluminum free deodorants irritate the heck out of my pits, so I have to use antiperspirant/deodorant. I asked my Oncologist if it was true that deodorant with aluminum caused breast cancer he said NO absolutely not! That's a false claim. So don't believe everything you read about that stuff.
Nervus, I don't have breasts because I had a double mastectomy, and I'm actually in menopause from the chemo I received for breast cancer treatment. I'll have a period every now in then though so I can't say I'm in full blown menopause yet. Treatment leaves you with all sorts of side effects but it's better than the alternative!

Oh my...you've really been through it then...but like you say, better than the other option! :ohmy::weep: I'm not convinced antiperspirant is all that bad for you...it just stops you sweating in the armpits, but you just get rid of the sweat elsewhere! I'm sure the aluminium thing didn't start from anything conclusive either.. Maybe shaving every day is more a problem than deodorant use :shrug: Hope your underarm pain eases soon...must be good old hormones!