View Full Version : i lied and now feel guilt

11-09-17, 12:55

I am having anxiety/guilt over lying about something I said I was going to do but I haven't got round to doing it yet. my ex-partner has sent money over two months ago for me to apply for a passport for our child. shortly after that i gave birth and kind of forgot about it as been busy ect. my husband said he will send it of and he never got round to doing it anyway two months has passed and they have asked about it and i said its on its way! I am about to do it this week with my own money now. I feel awful is there any point in telling the truth, as this is what is bothering me? im wondering if i have subconsciously been putting it of as i am worried when he takes my son abroad but who knows i think i have just been lazy and feel such a liar and bad person over this.

11-09-17, 16:23
You gave birth, that's huge! Of course you're going to have forgotten a few things given what a big life event you've just gone through. There's no need to feel bad about it - just get it done this week :)

12-09-17, 20:43
And surely if your son is still a baby, he will not be travelling anywhere soon on his own so won't need a passport for a while yet.