View Full Version : Doctors say it's all Anxiety.

11-09-17, 13:27
For around 3 months now I've not been feeling like myself.

I'm doing the RAF application process, I was worried about my medical, then I passed, Failed my first fitness which hit me hard. Gym and work nearly everyday to make sure I passed the second fitness test. Which I passed at the start of August. I'm about to go for my final phase before joining this week.

Since around July, i've not felt like myself.
One day I found a which turned out to be a big spot on my chest. I was at work and I just panicked. From that moment on I was hit with tiredness, I just wanted to lay down. Everyday nearly since then, around midday my eyes are tired. My head doesn't feel like it's in the room.
I went to the doctors regarding the spot. She told me to apply cream, which I did and over the next few days it went.
The I noticed a big muscle spasm at the top of my left chest. Didn't hurt of anything, went to see the doctor, and he said it was nothing sinister, just a bit of muscle.
Then I noticed my right pec had become more prominent compared to my left. I thought my gyno from when I was younger came back.
Around this time, I felt a rubbery lump on one of my left ribs near the sternum, it felt like a muscle knot. No pain just knotty. Put it down to me overdoing it at the gym. The doctor felt that area when checking my gyno, so they would of felt it if it was anything.
Went to see doctor, said It was fine. Few days later, the tiredness, the headaches and dizziness, loss of appetite got too much. I went to see the doctor again. She tested my breathing, bloody pressure... they was all good. She scheduled me in for an ECG and blood test. Which both again came back all good. When I found out my results, I went to see the doctor about my mental health, to have a quick chat. She diagnosed me with Anxiety, with a side of stress and worry. Referred me to Emotional health

This is where I thought, I would start to get better, start feeling like myself again and have my energy back and my laid back personality
Oh how I was wrong.

The tiredness in the afternoon everyday is still there, the on and off hunger, the IBS, the muscle aches, one day I have a cough the next I don't.

One day I noticed one of my testicles was swollen and there was a growth one it too. Went to see a doctor, felt the swelling but no lumps to worry about. Gave me anti-biotics. I still, have a swollen testicle.

A mole on my back which is darker than any mole I have on my body was noticed by my father a month or so ago. Work colleges told me to go get it checked out. Saw a nurse, she booked me a follow up with a different doctor that I've not seen before a week later (the following Tuesday)
On the day before, I went to see the nurse again about ringing in my ears, she told me off for not waiting and checked my ears. Rock hard wax in both ears. Getting them cleaned at end of september.

Next day, saw the different doctor.

He was unlike the other doctors. This appointment was to get my mole checked out, but when I went to see he, He asked how i was feeling.
He noticed I had been alot in the space of two months, He reassured me about how a doctor diagnoses someone if they are ill or not. He reassured me that if all the tests that the other doctor put me forward to have are good, then there health wise I am fine. (I was terrified that I had the C word.) And he said anyone that can pass a RAF fitness test, and do tough mudder the day before it, he has no worries about there health. (I thought that would of calmed me)
He then checked my mole, and asked another doctors opinion, and he wants it removing. I'm still waiting for the appointment now. I also asked him to check my testicle etc. He felt it, felt it was swollen a little and told me the lump i felt is normal.

From this I thought I'd start to feel better... No.
I was still feeling tired around midday, but then this would slowly wear off.

I went to the gym on the wednesday and friday for the first time in about 3/4 weeks. I manged to complete a mock RAF fitness test on both occasions. Which should of reassured me, but my mind and body are punishing me right now. On the Friday evening, I noticed a swelling on my right abdomen. Which during the day got more swollen and less. Bruises started to appear and there was hair loss on that area too. I went to see the GP this morning, he said he couldn't see anything, Has a feel around the area, couldn't feel anything. Put it down to my IBS, and prescribed me with some tablets.

As I let the doctors, I felt that rubbery lump and was wondering why it hadn't gone anywhere... and what did this silly bugger do... Google.
No I'm panicking again...
The muscle spasm is still there, the little knot is still there, and I'm still feeling all these aches etc etc.

My Mother says I'm looking for things wrong with me in fear it'll stop me from getting in the RAF. Father thinks I'm scared of joining. Mother keeps saying, "Anything that you have two of are different"

My concern is... is this what (Health) Anxiety feels like?
Can it trigger all these things? For a long period of time with no rest day?
The doctor told me it's all Anxiety and stress... Okay... so why don't I feel like I'm getting better?

I use to be such a laid back person, nothing worried me etc..
Did the spot and me training for the RAF etc really trigger all this?

I try to tell myself... the Doctor(s) and the test tell you your okay. But I can't get that into my head and I still feel like this.
Some days I feel like I'm getting better... but am i?

Anyone gone/going through the same?
Is it effecting your life like it is mine?
(Sorry about the long post)

11-09-17, 14:08
My concern is... is this what (Health) Anxiety feels like?
Can it trigger all these things? For a long period of time with no rest day?
The doctor told me it's all Anxiety and stress... Okay... so why don't I feel like I'm getting better?

Hi there. Yes this is what HA can feel like and it can trigger all the things you describe. You don't feel like you're getting better because reassurance doesn't work with health anxiety for anything other than a short-term fix, so understandably the doctor's words don't mean much to you at the moment. You really need to get professional help with your anxiety. Can you see that doctor again - the good one you spoke about - and go back and ask them to refer you for some help like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and discuss all the treatment options including meds? Reading everything you wrote, I can feel the state you're in and how it's affecting you pouring out through your words. The RAF application process sounds extremely intense and so - for me - that would be really stressful, so it doesn't surprise me at all that this may have triggered the health anxiety unfortunately.

11-09-17, 14:15
Hi there. Yes this is what HA can feel like and it can trigger all the things you describe. You don't feel like you're getting better because reassurance doesn't work with health anxiety for anything other than a short-term fix, so understandably the doctor's words don't mean much to you at the moment. You really need to get professional help with your anxiety. Can you see that doctor again - the good one you spoke about - and go back and ask them to refer you for some help like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and discuss all the treatment options including meds? Reading everything you wrote, I can feel the state you're in and how it's affecting you pouring out through your words. The RAF application process sounds extremely intense and so - for me - that would be really stressful, so it doesn't surprise me at all that this may have triggered the health anxiety unfortunately.

Thank you for the reply.

And thank you for giving your thoughts.
With you saying the RAF could of been a trigger, is really what the doctors said too.

Thing with me getting therapy and being prescribed with any meds, goes onto my medical record which can effect my RAF app.

au Lait
11-09-17, 18:47
What you described is exactly how health anxiety works. As soon as you move on from one health related fear, your brain starts to look for the next thing to worry about. As mentioned, reassurance will only help for a short while. It will not help in the long run. As you've experienced, even reassurance from a medical professional will not ease your anxiety. It's sometimes difficult to believe that anxiety can be the root cause of all of this, but trust me, it is. And there is hope. You are not doomed to be this way for the rest of your life. You must work on changing your pattern of thinking and the way you respond to your health related fears. I know it sounds so daunting, but you can do it. If therapy is not possible, there are other options out there. I've recently been watching a series of videos on youtube by the Anxiety Guy. He offers an e-book which I haven't tried and therefore can't speak to, but I find his videos to be extremely helpful. Watching them has eased me out of several full blown panic attacks. I believe he is certified in CBT techniques as well.

11-09-17, 23:28
What you described is exactly how health anxiety works. As soon as you move on from one health related fear, your brain starts to look for the next thing to worry about. As mentioned, reassurance will only help for a short while. It will not help in the long run. As you've experienced, even reassurance from a medical professional will not ease your anxiety. It's sometimes difficult to believe that anxiety can be the root cause of all of this, but trust me, it is. And there is hope. You are not doomed to be this way for the rest of your life. You must work on changing your pattern of thinking and the way you respond to your health related fears. I know it sounds so daunting, but you can do it. If therapy is not possible, there are other options out there. I've recently been watching a series of videos on youtube by the Anxiety Guy. He offers an e-book which I haven't tried and therefore can't speak to, but I find his videos to be extremely helpful. Watching them has eased me out of several full blown panic attacks. I believe he is certified in CBT techniques as well.

Thank you for your reply.

I left the doctors fine and dandy, and the boom I find something old or new and d I'm right back in that bad place again.

It's convincing myself that all the symptoms I'm having it's cause of health anxiety. I can't.

Thank you, I will check him out!