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View Full Version : Referred right shoulder pain when swallowing

11-09-17, 15:47
Hi all,

Since last November(ish) I've had a mild pain/sensation on the outer side of my right shoulder blade when swallowing cold food (yoghurt, ice cream). I haven't had any pain swallowing regular food or drink. It is completely bizarre and I have done my best to ignore it.

The last few days I've noticed it occasionally on a dry swallow too, but still not when eating a normal meal. I also occasionally get pain when I burp on the right of my sternum.

I thought this was just some irritation or nerve compression which would just pass, but alas here I am again. I had an upper GI back in 2015 (for something unrelated) which was totally clear, but I do take pills for reflux.

Any ideas? I really don't want to be going back for my second upper GI in 3 years at 29 years old :unsure:


05-10-17, 22:49
I am not a doctor but my dad had this and it was a condition called Eagles syndrome. An irritating condition by the sound of it but not life threatening . Not saying you have this as obviously you are a lot younger and its a very rare condition

09-12-18, 22:22
Just thought I’d drop in on my own thread over a year later. Still have the same symptoms and considering going to see a doc. I feel like it’s may be slightly worse, but not considerably.

Anyone else had anything similar?